The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Tropicana Cherry Cut

a year ago
Week 1. Vegetation
a year ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
1500 PPM
70 %
25 °C
2 L
1 L
76.2 cm
500 PPM
Nutrients 6
Agsil21 2 mll
Calmag Underrated 1 mll
Mykos - Xtreme Gardening
Mykos 1 mll
Flow 30ml/min (15ml per 1drip) 10drip=300ml Neta 20ml/min (20ml per 1drip) 4drip=80ml Flow 1gal 30ml/min x3 =90ml/min 2gal 70ml/min x7 =490ml/min =1min watering = 580ml /update flowering Small plant 30ml/min x 3= 90ml/min Slab 40ml/min x3coup = 120ml/min Big plant 80ml/min x4= 320ml/min ⁃ 1gal need 2.3L to saturation the substrate to 50-60% AnmBx 4 Blue Zktittles 4 Tropicana Cherry 2 18/9/23 Water23L (6gal)+cleanse15ml+Calmag30ml+Agsil26ml+V1 27g+V2 27g P1 11.15-11.18 3Min (180ml) P2 11.27-11.30 3Min (180ml) P3 12.07-12.10 3Min (180ml) 19/9/23 Water 15L left P1 09.00-09.01 1Min 09.30-09.31 1Min 10.00-10.01 10.15-10.16 10.30-10.31 11.00-11.01 11.30-11.31 12.00-12.01 20/9/66 Top all / lil bit defoliation Leftover5L+Ro10L ppm700 ph6 09.38-09.43 5Min 09.35-09.45 10Min 21/9/23 Decrease to 18/6hr from 20/4hr Leftover5L+Ro12L+Calmag+Cleanse20ml +V1,V2 20g each Ph6.0 Ec2.8 Ppm1400 (20/9)11.40-11.46 (6min) P1 1Min 09.00-09.01 09.15-09.16 09.30-09.31 09.45-09.46 10.00-10.01 10.15-10.16 10.30-10.31 10.45-10.46 P2 Refresh 1Min 12.00-12.01 02.00-02.01 04.00-04.01 Water19L+Cleanse20ml+calmag30ml+V1,V2 18g each Ph6.0 Ppm1040 Ec2.0 10.50-11.00 Rockwool x4 Dripper (240ml per min) 22/9/23 Water 16L left P1 (2Min each round) 09.15-09.12 09.30-09.32 09.45-09.47 10.00-10.02 10.15-10.17 10.30-10.32 10.45-10.47 P2 12.00-12.02 02.00-02.02 04.00-04.02 10.52-11.20 (8Min) 23/9/23 05.45-05.49 (4min) 06.00-06.04 (4min) 24/9/23 02.15-02.17 (2min) 03.00-03.02 (2min) 04.30-04.34 04.57-05.01 05.20-05.24 05.55-05.59 25/9/23 Water 12L+Calmag+Cleanse30ml+B1,B2 8g each Ph6 Ppm1000 Ec 2 09.13-09.23 09.53-10.58 Runoff 2450ppm ph5.6
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Used techniques
Week 2. Vegetation
a year ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
1500 PPM
70 %
25 °C
2 L
1 L
76.2 cm
500 PPM
Nutrients 6
Agsil21 2 mll
Calmag Underrated 1 mll
Bulky B - FloraFlex
Bulky B 1 mll
Not many pictures this week cause I'm busy with 600plant waiting for defoliation in the warehouse 26/9/23 Water12L+Calmag (50)+130ppm+Cleanse30ml+Silica6ml+B1,B2 8g each Ppm850 Ec 1.6 Ph6 27/6/23 11.40-11.42 (2Min) 28/6/23 06.55-07.00 07.15-07.20 29/6/23 Water15L+Silica10ml+B2 15g+B1 15g+Calmag10ml+Cleanse15ml Ph6 Ppm1190 Ec2.3 4min = 120ml 1gal - 280ml 2gal x3 1gal (360ml total) x7 2gal(1960ml total) =2,320L per round = 9.2L total 4min x 4round = 2gal/1120ml 1gal/480ml Each Replenishment Irrigation Schedule 08.00-08.04 08.20-08.24 08.40-08.44 09.00-09.04 04.12-04.15 Runoff ph6.3 ppm980 30/9/23 Water20L+Silica5ml+B2 +B1 22g each+Syrup40ml+calmag25ml+cleanse25ml Ph5.9 Ppm1250 10.20-10.24 10.40-10.44 11.00-11.04 01.25-01.30 01.45-01.50 Runoff Ph6.1 Ppm1370 1/10/23 Water28L+Silica15ml+B1,B2 28g each+BulkyB 14g Ph5.9 Ppm1340 10.16-10.20 10.36-10.40 11.00-11.04 11.20-11.24 11.40-11.44 04.15-04.19 07.44-07.48 Runoff Ph6.2 Ppm1400 2/10/23 Water20L+B1,B2 18g each+BulkyB 10g+Cleanse15ml Ph5.9 Ppm1380 Irrigation 4min per round 09.00 09.20 09.40 10.00 Runoff Ph6.3 Ppm1500
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Week 3. Flowering
a year ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
1500 PPM
70 %
25 °C
2 L
1 L
76.2 cm
500 PPM
Nutrients 7
Agsil21 2 mll
Calmag Underrated 1 mll
Pran Syrup 1 mll
Take care 20plants and then go out to take care of another 600+plants and then back to 20plants looped for a while 3/10/23 Water17L+Silica 250ppm+B2,B1 18g each+BulkyB 9g Ph5.9 Ppm1500 Irrigation 4min per round 03.46 04.06 04.26 04.46 05.06 Light off 10.26 PM ———Switch to Bloom——— 08.00 AM-08.00 PM 4/10/23 Water21L+Silica15ml+B2, B1 23g each+BulkyB 10g Ph5.9 Ppm1480 Irrigation 4min per round 10.00 10.20 10.40 11.00 11.20 11.40 12.00 Runoff Ph6.3 Ppm1870 5/10/23 Water22L+Silica 10ml+B2,B1 20g each+BulkyB 10g+Cleanse 15ml Ph5.9 Ppm1450 09.20 09.40 10.00 10.20 10.40 11.00 11.40 Runoff Ph6.1 Ppm 1900 6/10/23 Water22L+Silica15ml+B2,B1 20g each+BulkyB 10g+Cleanse 15ml Ph5.9 Ppm1480 09.00 09.20 09.40 10.00 10.20 10.40 Runoff Ph6.3 Ppm2100 7/10/23 Water28L+B2, B1 22g each+BulkyB 12g+Cleanse15ml Ph5.9 Ppm1490 09.40 10.00 10.20 10.40 11.00 11.20 01.10 Runoff Ph6.4 Ppm 1900 8/10/23 Water25L+Silica 15ml+B2,B1 20g each+BulkyB 10g+Cleanse 15ml Ph5.9 Ppm1490 01.00 01.20 01.40 02.00 02.20 02.40 03.00 03.20 Runoff Ph6.4 Ppm2300 9/10/23 Water20L Ph5.9 Ppm1480 09.00 09.20 09.40 10.00 10.20 10.40 11.00 01.00 01.42 Runoff Ph6.3 Ppm2400
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Week 4. Flowering
a year ago
25.4 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
1500 PPM
60 %
25 °C
2 L
1 L
76.2 cm
700 PPM
Nutrients 9
Agsil21 2 mll
Calmag Underrated 1 mll
Pran Syrup 1 mll
Finally! I got a CO2 supply for the first time in almost 5years. better add it as soon as you grow. The CO2 is everything for plant -uptake -synthesis -resistants IT'S A MUST! 10/10/23 Water20L+Silica15ml+B2,B1 20g each+BulkyB 10g+Cleanse 15ml Ph5.9 Ppm1390 09.25 11/10/23 Water25L+Silica15ml+B2, B1 25g each+BulkyB 10g +Cleanse 15ml Ph5.9 Ppm1300 08.25 08.45 09.20 09.40 10.00 10.20 10.40 Runoff Ph6.3 Ppm2000 12/10/23 Water30L+B2,B1 25g each+MassiveBloom 15ml+Cleanse 15ml Ph5.9 Ppm1400 08.45 (2min) 09.00 09.20 09.40 10.00 10.20 10.40 11.00 11.20 03.15 07.45 Runoff Ph6.3 Ppm2500 13/10/23 Water 25L+Silica 15ml+B2,B1 25g each+Massivebloom 15ml+Cleanse 25ml Ph5.8 Ppm1400 09.00 09.20 09.40 10.00 10.20 10.40 11.00 08.00 Runoff Ph6.4 Ppm2440 14/10/23 Water 25L+B2,B1 25g each+FuckResin A 50ml+B 20ml+Cleanse 20ml Ph5.9 Ppm1300 12.30 01.00 01.20 01.40 Refresh 02.45 04.55 06.10 06.30 15/10/23 Water22L+B2,B1 22g each+FuckResin A 50ml+B 20ml+Cleanse 20ml+Calmag 25ml Ph5.9 Ppm1280 09.00 09.20 09.40 10.00 12.00 12.45 06.00 until out of water (7-8L total) Runoff Ph6.4 Ppm2090 *****Big Defo***** 16/10/23 Water 20L+Silica 250Ppm+B2,B1 25g each+Cleanse 15ml Ph 5.8 Ppm1450 09.00 09.20 09.40 10.00 05.25 07.50 Runoff Ph6.4 Ppm2600
1 like
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
a year ago
25.4 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
1500 PPM
60 %
25 °C
2 L
1 L
76.2 cm
700 PPM
Nutrients 10
Agsil21 2 mll
Calmag Underrated 1 mll
Pran Syrup 1 mll
17/10/66 Water 22L+B1,B2 25g each+Cleanse 15ml+MassiveBloom 20ml Ph 5.9 Ppm1600 09.00 09.20 09.40 10.00 07.35 07.45-07.51 Runoff Ph 6.6-6.7 Ppm 2100 18/10/66 Water 22L+B2, B1 20g each+MassiveBloom 10ml+Cleanse 20ml Ph 5.8-5.9 Ppm1400 09.00 09.20 09.40 10.00 10.20 02.00 06.00 Runoff Ph 6.5 Ppm1900 19/10/66 Water 22L+B1,B2 20g each+Cleanse 20ml+Syrup 40ml Ph5.8 Ppm 1240 09.00 09.20 09.40 10.00 05.11-05.38 (forgot to turn off gege ) Runoff Ph 6.5 Ppm2000 20/10/66 Water 20L+Silica+B1, B2 20g each+Syrup 40ml+Cleanse 20ml PH 5.8 Ppm 1200 10.00 10.20 10.40 11.00 11.20 03.00 07.00 Runoff Ph6.4 Ppm2900 21/10/66 Water22L+B1,B2 22g each+Syrup 40ml+FuckResin A 50ml+B 20ml+Cleanse 20ml Ph 5.8 Ppm1200 10.40 11.00 11.20 11.40 12.00 03.00 05.00 06.24 07.00 *Defo Runoff Ph6.5 Ppm1600 22/10/66 Water 22L+Silica@200ppm+B2,B1 25g each+Syrup 40ml+FuckResin A 50ml+B 20ml+Cleanse 20ml Ph 5.9 Ppm1300 11.00 11.20 11.40 12.00 02.25 04.00 06.05 (7min) Runoff Ph6.6 Ppm1590 *2nd Scrog 23/10/66 Water 25L+Silica@250ppm+B2,B1 28g each+Syrup 40ml+Terp 30ml+Taste 30ml +Cleanse 15ml Ph 5.9 Ppm 1300 09.00 09.40 (13min) 13.00 15.00 17.00 19.00 Runoff Ph6.7 Ppm 3300
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Week 6. Flowering
a year ago
25.4 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
1500 PPM
60 %
25 °C
2 L
1 L
63.5 cm
1200 PPM
Nutrients 11
Agsil21 2 mll
Calmag Underrated 1 mll
Pran Syrup 1 mll
24/10/66 Water 25L+Silica+B2, B1 25g each+Syrup 30ml+Taste 30ml+Terp 30ml+Cleanse 20ml PH 5.9 Ppm1300 09.05 09.20 09.40 10.00 10.20 04.38 05.30 07.00 Runoff Ph6.9 Ppm 2500 25/10/66 Water 23L+Silica+B2, B1 30 each+Syrup 30ml+Taste 40ml+Terp 30ml+Cleanse 20ml PH 5.9 Ppm1570 Mop 09.00 09.20 09.40 10:00 12.00 02.00 06.48 07.58 (10min) Runoff Ph 7 Ppm2300 26/10/66 Water 23L+B2,B1 30g each Ph 5.9 Ppm 1409 01.00 01.20 01.40 02.00 05.05 06.00 07.00 07.40 Runoff Ph 6.9 Ppm2300 27/10/66 Water22L+B2, B1 30g each+FuckResin A 50ml+B 20ml+Cleanse 15ml Ph 5.9 Ppm1400 04.00 04.20 04.40 05.00 28/10/66 Heavy Defoliation 10.00 10.20 10.40 11.00 29/10/66 Water 20L+B2, B1 25g each+Calcium 5tsp+Cleanse 20ml Ph 5.9 Ppm 1380 12.20 12.40 01.48 02.45 04.05 05.51 06.55 Runoff Ph 5.8 Ppm 1500 30/10/66 Water 20L+Silica@250ppm+B2,B1 25g each+Calcium 15ml+Syrup 18ml+Taste 18ml+Terp 18ml Ph 5.9 Ppm1590 09.20 09.40 10.00 10.20 12.00 02.00 04.00 06.00 Runoff Ph6.2 Ppm 2600
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Week 7. Flowering
a year ago
25.4 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
1500 PPM
60 %
25 °C
2 L
1 L
63.5 cm
1200 PPM
Nutrients 10
Agsil21 2 mll
Calmag Underrated 1 mll
Pran Syrup 1 mll
31/10/23 Water 18L+B2,B1 24g each+Calcium 4tsp+Syrup 25ml Ph 5.9 Ppm1499 09.00 09.20 09.40 10.00 12.00 02.00 04.00 06.00 Runoff Ph 6.2 Ppm 2600 1/11/23 Water 21L+B2, B1 25g each+Calcium 15ml+Cleanse 15ml PH 5.9 Ppm 1500 9.20 9.40 10.00 10.20 12.00 02.00 04.00 06.00 Runoff Ph 6 Ppm 2600 2/11/23 Water 20L+Silica @250ppm+B2,B1 22g each+Calcium 5tsp+Cleanse 20ml Ph 5.8 Ppm 1380 09.00 09.20 09.40 10.00 12.00 02.00 04.00 06.00 3/11/23 Water 20L+B1,B2 12g each+Cleanse 40ml Ph 5.9 Ppm 900 09.00 09.20 09.40 10.00 12.00 02.00 04.00 06.00 Runoff Ph 5.8 Ppm4500 4/11/23 Water 20L+Silica@200ppm+ B1,B2 12g each+ Cleanse 40ml Ph 5.9 Ppm 890 09.20 09.40 10.00 10.20 12.00 01.30 03.00 04.30 06.00 Runoff Ph 5.8 Ppm 4500 5/11/23 Water 25L+B1,B2 12g each+Cleanse 45ml Ph 5.8 Ppm 750 09.40 10.00 10.20 10.40 12.00 01.30 02.30 03.30 Runoff Ph 5.9 Ppm 4500 6/11/23 Water 28L+B1,B2 15g each+Cleanse 50ml Ph 5.8 Ppm 750 09.45 10.00 10.20 10.40 12.00 01.30 03.00(5min) 04.30 (5min) Runoff Ppm 1400
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Week 8. Flowering
a year ago
25.4 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
1500 PPM
60 %
25 °C
2 L
1 L
63.5 cm
1200 PPM
Nutrients 9
Agsil21 2 mll
Pran Syrup 1 mll
FuckResinA,B 2 mll
7/11/23 Water 28L+B1, B2 12g each+Cleanse 45ml PH 5.8 Ppm 650 09.00 09.20 09.40 10.00 11.30 01.00 02.30 04.00 05.30 17.25(7min) Runoff Ph6.1 Ppm2000 8/11/23 Water 25L+Calcium 20ml+Silica+Cleanse 30ml Ph 5.8 Ppm250 09.00 09.20 09.40 10.00 10.20 10.40 01.30 03.30 07.00 Runoff Ph 6.1 Ppm 2300 9/11/23 Water 20L+Cleanse 45ml Ph 5.9 08.35-10.20 (4min shot per 20min)=6shots 13.00 13.30 Runoff Ph 6.3 Ppm1590 10/11/23 Water 25L+B1,B2 20g each+Cleanse 20ml Ph 5.8 Ppm 800 09.00-10.00 (4min shot per 20min) 11.40 01.00 01.30 02.30 03.30 Runoff Ph 6.1 Ppm 1600 11/11/23 Water 33L+Silica@200ppm+B1,B2 30g each+Cleanse 20ml PH 5.8 Ppm1120 11.00-12.30 (5min shot per 30min) 01.00-02.30(5min shot per 30min) 06.00 15min shot Runoff Ph 6.3 ppm 1600 12/11/23 Water 30L+B1, B2 30g each+Cleanse 25ml PH 5.8 Ppm 1280 11.00-12.30 03.00-04.00 Runoff Ph 6.3 Ppm 1900 13/11/23 Water 30L+B1,B2 28g each+Cleanse 20ml Ph 5.8 Ppm 1380 09.00-10.40 (4min per shot every 20min=7shot) 12.30 (5min) 03.00 (5min) Runoff Ph6.3 Ppm2400
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Week 9. Flowering
a year ago
25.4 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
1500 PPM
60 %
25 °C
2 L
1 L
63.5 cm
1200 PPM
Nutrients 9
Agsil21 2 mll
Pran Syrup 1 mll
FuckResinA,B 2 mll
Schedule💪 14/11/23 Water 25L+Cleanse 20ml Ph 5.8 Ppm 480 09.00-10.20 (4min per shot x5) Repel 5min 03.00 03.30 04.30 Runoff 1300ppm 15/11/23 Water 25L+B1,B2 25g each+Cleanse 25ml Ph 5.8 Ppm 1200 09.20-11.20 (4min per shot every 20 min =7shot) 01.00 03.00 05.00 (-till tank empty) Runoff Ph 6.3 Ppm 2000 16/11/23 Water 25L+B1,B2 25g each+Cleanse 20ml Ph5.9 Ppm1000 09.00-10.20 (4min 5 shot) 12.00 02.00 04.00 Almost empty tank Runoff Ph 6.3 Ppm 1800 17/11/23 Water 28L+B1, B2 35g each+Taste 40ml+Syrup 40ml+Terp 40ml+Cleanse 20ml Ph 5.8 Ppm 1400 10.20-11.40(4min per shot every 20min) Runoff Ph 6.2 Ppm 2200 18/11/23 Water 28L+Calcium20ml Ph 6 Ppm 590 10.20-13.00 (4min per shot every 20min)=9shots Runoff Ph 6.4 Ppm 2200 19/11/23 Water 28L+ B1,B2 25g each+Full tilt 25g Ph 6 Ppm 1350 09.20-12.00 Runoff achieve at 11.20(6shot) Ph 6.4 ppm 2400 20/11/23 Water 25L+Silica @100ppm+Cleanse 40ml Ph 6 Ppm 500 09.00-11.20 (8 shot) Runoff Ppm 2290
Week 10. Flowering
a year ago
25.4 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
1500 PPM
60 %
25 °C
2 L
1 L
63.5 cm
1200 PPM
Nutrients 9
Agsil21 2 mll
Pran Syrup 1 mll
FuckResinA,B 2 mll
21/11/23 Water 25L+Silica@150ppm+B1, B2 12g each+Fulltilt 17g+Cleanse 40ml Ph5.9 Ppm 800 10.00-01.00 (10shots 40min) 22/11/23 Water 30L+B1,B2 30g each+Cleanse 20ml Ph 6 Ppm 1300 09.20-10.20 (4min shot every 20min)-5 12.40-02.00 (5shot) 10shot= 20L Runoff Ppm 1800 23/11/23 09.40-12.40 (9shot) Runoff Ph6.4 Ppm 1800 24/11/23 Water 28L+Silica@200ppm+B1,B2 25g each+Syrup 20ml+Taste20ml+Terp20ml+Cleanse 25ml Ph 5.9 ppm 1400 09.20-12.40 (10shot) Runoff Ppm 2000 25/11/23 Water 25L+B1,B2 15g each+Cleanse 20ml Ph5.9 Ppm 1100 10.20-01.00 Runoff Ppm 1900 26/11/23 Water 25L+Silica@100ppm+B1,B2 12.5g each+Cleanse30ml Ph 5.9 ppm900 Runoff 1700ppm 27/11/23 Water25L+Silica@100ppm+B1,B2 10g each+ Syrup40ml+Taste40ml+Terp40ml+Cleanse20ml Ph6 Ppm800 Runoff 2000ppm
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Week 11. Flowering
a year ago
25.4 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
1500 PPM
60 %
25 °C
2 L
1 L
63.5 cm
1200 PPM
Nutrients 2
Demeter’s Destiny - Oregon’s Only (Nectar for the Gods)
Demeter’s Destiny 2 mll
Cleanse - Athena
Cleanse 2 mll
2/12/23 Water 25L+Calmag20mml ppm400 ph6 Runoff 800ppm 3/12/23 Water 30L+Calcium25ml ppm125 ph6.1 Runoff 600ppm 4/12/23 Water30L+calcium40ml ppm200 ppm6 Cut @ 10/12/23 (10Week)
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Week 12. Harvest
a year ago
Happy Harvest Day!
LET’S DO “SPICY MINCED PORK" (LAB - MOU) Ingredient 1. Minced pork 2. Roasted rice 3. Roasted dried hot pepper 4. Shredded of Shallot 5. Shredded of Green onion 6. Shredded of Coriander 7. Shredded of Parsley 8. Lemon 9. Fish sauce Method 1. Prepare roasted rice : roast rice on pan until they had brown color, bring them into a mortar and grind them 2. Prepare roasted dried hot pepper : roast dried hot pepper on pan until they were burnt, bring them into a mortar and grind them 3. Get some water and Knor in pot and bring minced pork in it until it was cooked 4. Flavor it by fish sauce, lemonade, and roasted dried hot pepper 5. Bring Shredded of Shallot, Shredded of Green onion, Shredded of Coriander andShredded of Parsley 6. Finally, Bring Roasted rice and mix them together 7. Bring it on a plate and serve with some vegetable
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Spent 78 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
150 g
Bud wet weight per plant
80 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Giggly, Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes, Paranoia, Dry mouth
Negative effects
Medical effects
Stress, Anxiety, Depression
Medical effects
Sweet, Diesel, Herbs

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
It is the first time with relentless/ easy growing with fantasy color of buds one from200plants was mutant and really frosty


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Almoracommentedweek 12a year ago
amazing colors
SolitudeCornerscommenteda year ago
@Almora, thank you so much🙏💪
the end.
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