Day 1 of Week 3:
The right branch decided to snap a lil bit, im just letting it grow as it should be ok (Pic 2).
Giving her 250ml Rainwater with 0,5 Élan,Upthrive and Tasty Terpenes.
Also increasing the light distance to 41 cm and twisting&squeezing the main stem as usual.
Day 2 of Week 3:
Just doing some more LST, also i let the ripped branch grow free for a while so it can heal properly.
Noticed some tiny signs of preflower (Pic 4) , so i'm gonna feed her 250ml rainwater with 0.3ml Spark tomorrow morning.
Day 3 of Week 3:
Doing some defo and LST, also decided to feed her 0.5 ml Spark in 500ml Rainwater PH 6.1 EC 0.8
Day 4 of Week 3:
Just adjusting the plant wires today.
Decided to bend the mainstem down.
Day 5 of Week 3:
Giving her 1L Rainwater mixed with 0.5g KickOff over the day, so the soil can soak it up nicely.
Day 6 of Week 3:
Everything going good, the snapped branch is healed and growin strong.
I'm only adjusting the wires today as its to early for more defo or training.
Day 7 of Week 3:
Nothing much to report, just twisting, squeezing and adjusting wires as usual.
Soil is still wet enough, feeding her on monday i think.