Day 1 of Week 5:
One branch decided to snap again, so I'm letting this one grow free for a bit. Also i somehow managed to damage a short branch🤔(Pic 2).
Day 2 of Week 5:
Still letting the ripped branch heal, so i wont adjust anything on it today (Pic 3). Adjusting the other wires and lettin her chill today, also i discovered that i've kinda topped one branch on accident (Pic 3). Lets see how it gonna turn out.
Day 3 of Week 5:
Feeding her 1.5l Rainwater with 3 ml Élan, Upthrive, Prosper, Spark and 0.7g Kick Off. PH 6.3 EC 1.6
Day 4 of Week 5:
Decided do remove the damaged branch, also i'm gently bending the ripped branch down again and kinda dividing the accidentally topped branch.
Day 5 of Week 5:
Decided to LST the mainstem a lil bit. Only leaving the wire on for like ~2Days, so she wont get stressed to much
Day 6 of Week 5:
All good.
Day 7 of Week 5:
Setting the mainstem free again and adjusting some wires, also thinking about clipping the biggest fanleafs but tending to let them be for a while.
Decided to do some hard defoliation and wiring the upper part of the mainstem right before sending her to sleep for today.