Hello to everybody, finally it's time to make some flowers. 💪
At the beginnig of the week i did some training, i did a little defoliation of the lower part of the plant to stimulate her vertical growth because she is the lowest of the tent. The aspect of the plant is perfect, she are growing so healthy, the branches are really dense like a typical indica and they are organizing without my training this time, i love her shape :)
I hope that she continue in this way until the end.
The first day of the week i feeded the plant with BioBloom of Green House Feeding, i gave 3g/L of substrate with top-dressing techinque. That's not a big amount of nutrients for one application in all the flowering cycle but i use those for the first time so i prefer not to overdo it.
On the same day I also added the BioEnhancer (1 g/L) to the water. I did watering three times this week:
- 1 L water + BioEnhancer 1 g/L + pH-down 8 drops/L
pH 6.2 - ppm: 230 - EC: 0.46 ms/cm - T: 23.4°C
- 1 L water + pH-down 3 drops/L
pH 6.0 - ppm: 169 - EC: 0.3 ms/cm - T: 23.4°C
-1.5 L water + pH-down 3 drops/L
pH 6.0 - ppm: 169 - EC: 0.3 ms/cm - T: 23.4°C