Light spreads out according to the inverse square law is why. 😋 i use emitocons and rhetorical questions to express passive aggressive feelings but pretend i'm a very polite person at the same time.
the result won't be the same because leaves lower on plant will absorb stronger light if hanging distance is further, ceteris paribus, which means same DLI at canopy, same climate, same everything esle to resolve this question properly.
Let's say 2 exact contexts are compared as far as climate and DLI at cnopy but distance from canopy is dfiferent (which needs a little more power to avhieve same dLI at canopy) - one is 18" and one is 24". Any depth into canopy under the 24" distance is a smaller loss of light compared to same depth into canopy under 18" distance. A mathematical certaianty due to inverse square law.
What I am not saying is that it is better in all contexts.. some measurements would need to be taken in a controlled environment and compared to figure out at what point is it worth it? "worth it" is in some part opinion and relative to requirements of the individual. Maybe they just need max yield and slightly increasing cost per gram is not a concern, so this is a good idea for them more often than not. This person would have a different opinion than someone primarily concerned about cost per gram. Even with this person their may be a context in which they improve cost per gram with additional height from canopy. Definitely possible, just not sure how common it'd be.
applying a one-szie-fits-all answer here is a lack of imagination.