Week #4-Jan 21 to Jan 27
1/21-Watered to runoff last night (1/20). She is starting to drink up the water now. Looking very healthy and on track for another good grow. I'll increase the LST this week and do a trim before preflower.
1/22-Watered to runoff. Trimmed two lower leaves. I'll wait a couple of more days to do a trim and more LST before preflower. She's up to 6 inches now and looking very healthy.
1/23-Clipped some fan leaves to get more light. More LST to encourage some width on the canopy. She's really starting to drink up the water now. Watered last evening to runoff and she's already to 50% dryback 12 hours later.
1/25-Watered again to runoff using almost a half gallon. She's starting to get a bit taller now which is making the LST a bit easier. I can't believe how much growth is coming from FIM area. She is really responding well from the LST and is starting to take on the umbrella like canopy. Finally, I'm beginning to see the earliest hints of preflower.
1/27-The first 4 weeks have gone well. She's up to 9 inches now. The lowest branches are starting to stretch sideways from LST. She showed no ill effects from FIM, LST, or increased nute load. Leaves are green as green with not a spot of discoloration. Must be a Mango Smile! Next week I'll switch to flowering nute schedule.