2024/03/16 : removed a couple of leaves, replaced 4 "Js" with safety pins and rubber links.
Obviously, BB need more space and stopped its growth : it will have to be patient!
2024/03/18 : lollipopped 16 chosen ones and removed everything else! It will perfectly fit my 4x4 scrog net.π
I saw deficiencies : I watered with Orgatrex (5 mL/L) and Bactrex (1 g/L) and sprayed with BoomBoom (gave to clones too).
Babies are still green and turn toward light. I got 0.5 L pots for them asa I see roots outside pellets, but this is for another diary...
@GrowerOG, almost each grow i failed this couple of weeks after flowering start and got massive yellowing, deficiencies, high sky pH... I'm not able to feed them correctly, obviously! I'm still learning and trying to improve.
Happy harvesttime, looking fire your Blueberry, how is her smell?( or taste?) i love colorful Strains
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Sweet Diary, and you used lots of techics to tame the Plant. looking grest, are you going to paricipate in a contest here on Growdiaries? would be a cup in my eyes, so think about itπ
Good day. Could you make a photo of the press? Or tell me if you already have one uploaded? And if so ... where : ) . TY in advance. Sincerely, allways_beginner.
@allways_beginner: hi, I just uploaded 2 pics of the press. Very simple to use with vegetal oil (as lube) and parchment paper (2 discs between press and kief) : you can easily press 3 to 4g. With more, it's quite hard to put all kief in press. After a few hours in freezer, you push hash out of the press. After use, wash with 99.9% isopropyl alcohol. I bought this press (from Heisenberg manufacturer) 24β¬ on Amazon but can't find it there anymore.