5 on NFT 1.5m table, hps dual spec 600w with wing reflector, 150MM rvk fan and filter with dehumidifier, water heater airstone and circulation pump.
40ltrs in tank, some do 24hr watering but instructions said turn off at night? ive done both but 24hr stops top heavy falls at the end. leaving sleave on cube then sealed into table with cube caps cubes cannot touch water but sit on roots which water flows through.
added 2 ltrs fresh water mid week.
tailing at weekend but not topping as young plants. 1 is very small last to pop 1 sickly clone, 2 are quick growing and popped early with good hight, 2 are inbetween. only 8cm between them all but 2 have lots of arms and spreading out.
It is supposed to be on 24 hours. Can you turn it off during lights out? Probably, or you could turn it on a couple of times during that period, but it will always be best to leave ir on constantly.