moved to drip out of incubator to spread out. good roots and hardened and will be ready to clone next week b4 bloom. over watered 1 as it sat in a sump in the incubator but resolved by moving onto drip on a tray.
drip is 1 - 1.5ltr p/h (20min) x 4 (changed to 15 min)
i mist with nitrozyme and gf grow stim 15 drops of wetting agent in 1.5ltrs to remove water tension, but using solo spray with a cup at the end as ionic wetting agent is not to go into the water system.
The weathers got cold and after service i left the rad on full in b room, overheated (27deg) n drooped a little but resolved. still to set up bloom n move things about, ed ros super bud seeds to germ and i need to pick a mother but being purple in a factor not resolved until i see all 5 bloom n test.
It is supposed to be on 24 hours. Can you turn it off during lights out? Probably, or you could turn it on a couple of times during that period, but it will always be best to leave ir on constantly.