My urkle is healthy enough but I have been away for a couple of days and since the transplant she wanted to grow and stretch a bit but my light was way too close and now look what I have done..😂😂
I've stunted her real bad. Internode spacing is so close it will be an issue I'm sure. Also some signs of light burn on a few if her higher fan leaves.
I will put her into the flower room today and she will start her stretch and I hope Wil find some space within herself to grow out. All the urkles I've grown before have been monsters in height so it's odd for me to see an urkle look like this. But no one has died so we will keep going and I'm sure I will get some tasty grapey incense flavoured mind rot.. 😜
Moving onto a bloom feeds programme on next feed.
Ec of 1.3 oh I'm running higher because the litemix I'm using has a crazy buffer in and runs off a 5.8 when I'm putting 6.8 in. I need to watch out for lock ups on all this run. Shitty lightmix.
Thanks for passing by.
@Hattiwatti, thanks for stopping by growmie. I also love the colours. It's a bit more yellow going on in the pictures than in real life due to the funny colour temps i run in flower. But none the less it's pretty striking.😋👍🏼