
2m x 2m new grow tent: Fastbuds long overdue Banana Purple punch Auto

4 months ago
Grow Conditions
Week 3
20 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
2+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
whenindoubtsmokeitout whenindoubtsmokeitout
4 months ago
šŸŒæ **Banana Purple Punch Grow Week 3 Update: Flourishing Vegetative Growth!** šŸŒ± Hello again, fellow growers! Let's delve into the progress of our Banana Purple Punch grow as we embark on Week 3. Here's an update on the exciting developments: šŸŒŸ **Vibrant Vegetative Growth**: Our Banana Purple Punch plants have experienced a surge in vegetative growth during Week 3, with lush foliage and robust stems indicating their healthy development. The once-small seedlings have transformed into thriving young plants, eagerly reaching towards the light in pursuit of further growth. šŸŒ± **Lush Foliage Expansion**: As our plants transition further into the vegetative stage, we've witnessed significant foliage expansion, with new leaves unfurling and existing ones broadening to capture as much light as possible. This rapid leaf growth is a testament to the plants' vigor and vitality, setting the stage for abundant energy accumulation and future bud production. šŸ’§ **Optimized Watering and Nutrient Management**: Throughout Week 3, we've continued to maintain a careful balance of watering and nutrient supplementation to support healthy growth. Regular monitoring of moisture levels in the coco/perlite medium ensures that our plants remain adequately hydrated, while judicious application of nutrients provides the essential elements needed for vigorous vegetative growth. šŸŒ± **Training and Pruning**: With the onset of robust vegetative growth, we've begun implementing training techniques such as low-stress training (LST) and selective pruning to encourage lateral branching and canopy evenness. By gently bending and guiding stems and removing excess foliage, we aim to maximize light penetration and promote optimal bud development in the future. šŸ” **Pest and Disease Prevention**: Our proactive approach to pest and disease prevention continues in Week 3, with regular inspections and preventive measures in place to safeguard our plants' health and well-being. Diligent monitoring allows us to identify and address any potential issues early, minimizing the risk of damage or setbacks. šŸŒ± **Looking Ahead**: As we progress into Week 4, we anticipate further growth and development as our Banana Purple Punch plants continue their journey towards maturity. With each passing day, we're one step closer to witnessing the fruition of our efforts in the form of robust, resinous buds bursting with flavor and potency. In summary, Week 3 has been a period of vigorous vegetative growth and careful cultivation practices, setting the stage for a successful and bountiful harvest ahead. Stay tuned for the next update as we document the ongoing progress and transformation of our beloved Banana Purple Punch plants. Happy growing! šŸŒšŸ’œ
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