01-17 - Week 5 - TOP
01-17 18:00 Topped at 5th node, removed dead foliage, left damaged foliage, began LST on lower nodes, watered 2 cups week 3 schedule
01-18 18:00 Did nothing, look better but a little drooped (still ovewatered), faster growth
01-19 18:00 Did nothing, look better, only a little drooping, faster growth
01-20 18:00 Supercropped a bit, look better, water tomorrow, much faster growth
01-21 15:00 Watered 2 cups week 3 schedule, notice brown spots by veins on mid level leaves, removed two lower fan leafs and fluffed plants to give light to lower nodes, rotated plant
01-22 19:00 More evidence of brown spots moving up, otherwise good, 8AM - 8PM humidifier empty, VPD to 1.9
01-23 18:00 Water 4 cups water at 6.5 pH + 2 ml / 0.5 gallon CalMag as it was really dry and I think theres a defiiciency (Probably from humidifier emptying )
Thanks! First grow so trying to figure everything out as I go. Definitely learned:
1. I really shouldn't trust the soil to be properly pH balanced ahead of time... Gonna have to mix some dolomite in next time, and properly slurry test everything.
2. I really shouldn't mess with it so much. I think half the things I scrambled to "correct" were probably fine and I just freaked out (see: flushing in the early stages of the veg as I thought I had a nutrient issue and probably didn't).
3. Overwatering seedlings is easy to do even when you think you're being careful...