
Orion F1 Auto RQS

3 months ago
Grow Conditions
Week 2
18 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
gen 200
0.2 ml/l
Terra Grow - PLAGRON.
Terra Grow
0.2 ml/l
Commented by
Skybase Skybase
3 months ago
"Orion F1 Chronicles: The Rollercoaster Ride of Week Two" Greetings fellow plant enthusiasts and welcome back to the wild world of Orion F1 cultivation! As we embark on the second week of our green journey, I'm here to spill the tea on the highs, the lows, and the downright unexpected twists that this peculiar strain has thrown our way. Let's kick things off with a moment of silence for our fallen comrade, Seed #3. Alas, it seems the plant deities had other plans for our botanical buddy, and we bid a fond farewell as it joins the great compost pile in the sky. Fear not, dear readers, for life in the plant kingdom can be as unpredictable as a soap opera plot twist. Now, onto the survivors of the week – the dynamic duo, Seed #1 and Seed #2. These resilient little sprouts are pushing through the soil with the determination of a caffeinated squirrel on a mission. They've faced adversity head-on, dodging death like seasoned action movie heroes. I half expect them to start donning tiny capes and masks any day now. While it's a tad disappointing that four out of our six seeds decided to play hide-and-seek instead of embracing the spotlight, let's look on the bright side. Thanks to the generosity of the universe (or my friendly neighborhood seed supplier), we scored three extra seeds as a consolation prize. So, in the grand scheme of things, it's more like we lost one seed but gained three, turning our little garden into a high-stakes botanical poker game. I can't help but marvel at the quirky sense of humor the universe has, throwing curveballs and bonus seeds into our carefully laid plans. It's like Mother Nature decided to spice up our gardening escapades with a dash of chaos, just to keep things interesting. As we navigate this rollercoaster ride of germination, let's raise a metaphorical glass to Seed #3, the unsung hero that taught us the fragility of life in the dirt. May its memory live on in the hearty laughs and quirky anecdotes we share on this Orion F1 adventure. Stay tuned for more tales from the soil, where each week brings a new episode of drama, comedy, and the occasional botanic thriller. Until next time, keep those green thumbs wiggling and those plant spirits high – the Orion F1 saga continues! 🌱✨
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SensiMillerweek 2
Hi SkyBase. Am I seeing this correctly my old dear friend? Are you adding method to your madness and sometimes mysterious ways?πŸ˜ƒ I love it! πŸ˜»πŸ‘
Frosted_Nuggetsweek 1
A great read, love it. May the grow gods be with you. Have fun growmie!
Lemonhazeloverweek 0
Happy growing and good luck buddy ☘️
SensiMillerweek 0
Good luck with this new cultivation! Looking good!
Jamesweek 0
Goood luck with this one and happy growing mate 🌱