She's had a slow start. Guessing the cold night temps really got to her but I got that being dealt with. Just need to keep insulating this space as I'm able..
But not much to make note of yet.
See how the next two weeks go for her tho. Fingers crossed .
But that's about all for this one , will update photos during the week but as always appreciate your time checking these out !
If u see anything funky please feel free to make mention it might not be a typo lol.
Best of luck to you all !!
@pifflestikkz, yea I've been looking for a banana to grow. A buddy on here us doing a imhouse banana something lol and I'll be doing a Nanerz from robinhood soon too.
Appreciate u checking it our so far.
@Grow4Releaf, robinhood has some good.beans .. square one genetics is the same people robinhood seeds are just not tested but are fire.. I love bean sales too.. I've got a good collection going now..hope all us well..happy growing ✌️