The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Living Soil 2nd Grow - Autoflowers

9 months ago
a year ago
Nutrients 2
Yucca Extract 0.317 mll
Mycrobe Complete - Rootwise Soil Dynamics
Mycrobe Complete 1.3 mll
2nd grow in 15 gallon no till living soil pots Reamended soil w/ BAS craft blend + worm castings + lobster compost + 50 grams of bioag vam endomycorrhizal inoculant per pot, then mulched w/ previous harvest's branches, leaves, stems, etc. Pots were allowed over a month to rest and break down the reamendments - added cover crop and watered occasionally. Tent, fans and gear were scrubbed down and pots moved back in. The stem and root from the previous grow was not removed for sake of biomimicry, keeping the developed rhizosphere intact and leaving everything undisturbed. A small amount of starter potting soil was added to each of the pots, then the seeds were planted into the starter soil and entire pot lightly watered. They were covered with a makeshift humidity dome and left undisturbed until sprouts appeared on the 3rd day. Cover crop seed was added day 3.
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Used method
Directly In Substrate
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
a year ago
20 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
80 %
21 °C
57 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 2
Yucca Extract 0.65 mll
Mycrobe Complete - Rootwise Soil Dynamics
Mycrobe Complete 1.3 mll
Lamp distance this week is 24" to the top of germinated plants and running at 25% power. Unsure of the actual par reading, but do know that it's somewhere below 400. Also not reading leaf surface temperature this week for VPD and strictly keeping the humidity at 80% with intermittent fresh air exchange. The soil before planting was brought up to what I felt was roughly field capacity. And since germination I've only directly watered the cover crop, with a misting beneath the crops themselves. Roughly over a quarter gallon a day was used to water the cover crop and alternated yucca + rootwise mycrobe complete maybe every other day. Notes: Week was bittersweet - during Day 6 (from planted seed) numerous fruiting bodies were noticed in the 15 gal pot of Vanilla Fizz. Very exciting, once the mushrooms caps were open they were immediately harvested and brought to neighboring pots in hopes of spreading spores. Unfortunately during Day 6 a population of fungus gnats also seemed to be growing rapidly in the pots, particularly in the pot of Vanilla Fizz. Even worse, the pots of Mango Sky and Cookies & Berries look to have what appears to be thrips as they and the cover crop are beginning to show damage/evidence. The pots were stored for a month with houseplants that became infected and then treated during storage. All four plants were covered with humidity domes while 2 ounces of Doctor Zymes was added to a quarter gallon of RO water @ 90 degrees F and sprayed onto cover crop immediately. This was repeated daily for 4 days and thus basically replaced my sole daily watering regiment during this time, no rootwise was used. During Day 7 & 8, a mix of 2oz neem and 2 tsp of yucca extract were added to a 1/2 gallon of RO water in a blender, then emulsified and sprayed directly onto cover crop and pots at lights-out. The seedlings were again covered by humidity domes during spraying but received a light misting to only their soil thereafter. I don't dare soak my plants yet until sometime next week. As time goes on Cookies and Mango are looking a little worse for wear, but the population of gnats/thrips is plummeting and disappearing - fingers crossed no bad stunting occurs from this.
Week 2. Vegetation
a year ago
20 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
70 %
24 °C
57 L
0 L
66.55 cm
Nutrients 6
Yucca Extract 0.33 mll
Soy Aminos 1.3 mll
Fermented Plant Extract 31.25 mll
Days 10 - 17 (from seed) 2/12/24 - 2/18/24 Lamp distance: 26.2" @ 50% power - w/ estimated PAR of 400 VPD: Leaf surface temperature 75 degrees - humidity set to 70% for vegetation (Day 13 - 17) Feed schedule: 1/4 gallon RO water per day mixed with feed schedule ratios, mainly given to cover crop (Day 14 - 17 water only + splash of ferment) IPM: EM5 ratio - 2oz per 1/4 gallon drench + cover crop foliar @ lights out (Day 10 - 13) Notes: IPM from previous week worked. Fungus gnats are almost completely absent and haven't seen anymore signs of thrips in the cover crop/mulch layer. IPM on Day 12 consisted of spraying plants directly with EM5 at a ratio of about 1oz per 1/4 gallon before lights out, they managed great. Cookies & Berries and Mango Sky showing improvement, but Mango Sky showing deformities. Also, trying a new sprouted seed tea w/ alfalfa, at a ratio of 6 grams dried per gallon. Sprout seeds and blend w/ 8oz water, then filter. High in auxins, good for rooting so choosing to use at this stage. Then adding a new diy fermented plant extract made up of kefir whey, beets, beet greens, green apples, quartz and chalcedony. May contain Jasmonic acid, Salicylic acid and silica. Supposedly could help with terpene production and overall plant vigor, slight NPK value. No water on Day 16.
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Week 3. Vegetation
a year ago
20 hrs
29 °C
No Smell
70 %
21 °C
57 L
1 L
66.55 cm
Nutrients 7
Yucca Extract 0.33 mll
Soy Aminos 1.3 mll
Fermented Plant Extract 31.25 mll
Days 18 - 24 (from seed) 2/19/24 - 2/25/24 Lamp distance: 26.2" @ 75% power - estimated par around 580+ VPD: Leaf surface temperature average 75-80 degrees - humidity set to 70-75% Feed schedule: Each plant gradually receiving about 1/4 gallon of water daily w/ splash of ferment - additional feeding once a week at ratios listed above IPM: Visual inspection + 2oz EM5 added to 1/4 gallon water and foliar sprayed before lights out, once during the week (Day 20) Notes: No water Day 19. I think the plants have been teetering towards under-watered for the past few days and aiming this week to slowly bring that back up Incorporating buildabloom and corn sst this week to feed schedule. (corn sst high in cytokinins, 12 grams dried per gallon - soak 12/24hrs, sprout, then blend w/ 8oz water, strain) Day 22 pots received a top dressing consisting of 1/8 cup craft blend, 1/4 cup EM bokashi, 1/2 cup worm castings, 1/2 cup dehydrated/shredded chaga, reishi, and turkey tail mushrooms per pot Also starting a little low stress training to some tops and leaf tucking on all of the plants Mango Sky is growing out of her leaf deformity but the main stem naturally split into two, it's really interesting - although overall the situation probably spells out bad news for yield Vanilla Fizz is so squat and dense it's bonkers, hopefully it keeps expressing from the broad leaf lineage and we end up with something unique
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Used techniques
Leaf Tucking
Week 4. Flowering
a year ago
20 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
65 %
21 °C
57 L
1 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 8
Yucca Extract 0.33 mll
Soy Aminos 1.3 mll
Fermented Plant Extract 31.25 mll
Days 25 -31 (from seed) 2/26/24 - 3/03/24 Lamp distance: 24" @ 100% power (estimate 650+ PAR) VPD: leaf surface temperature averaging 78-81 degrees - humidity set to 65% Feed schedule: Each plant receiving, gradually up to 1/3 gallon water daily - feed regiment once a week IPM: EM5 1oz per 1/3 gallon, foliar spray at lights out to plants + cover crop Notes: Abstained from defoliating in general but some of the lowest leaves of the plants that are unhealthy and making full-time contact with the cover crop needed to be mulched Using both alfalfa sst and corn sst once each this week Day 26 - trimmed up some excess cover crop + top dress w/ 1/8 craft blend + 1/2 cup silica (montanagrow) + 1/4 cup BAS worm castings Day 28 - Mango Sky, Cookies & Berries + Hot Damn all showing definitive signs of flowering as white pistils start emerging Lamp distance changed to 16" from highest point of the canopy Day 29 - Vanilla Fizz also now showing white pistils Tucking leaves & bending tops to encourage auxin production in other branches seems to be working at leveling out the top of the canopy Mango Sky turning around with some tops and Vanilla Fizz is still so dense and squat, here's hoping it has a decent stretch
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Used techniques
Leaf Tucking
Week 5. Flowering
a year ago
20 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
60 %
21 °C
57 L
1 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 7
Yucca Extract 0.33 mll
Soy Aminos 1.3 mll
Fermented Plant Extract 31.25 mll
Days 32 -38 (from seed) 3/04/24 - 3/10/24 Lamp distance: 16" @ 100% power (estimate 800+ PAR) VPD: leaf surface temperature averaging 78-81 degrees - humidity set to 60% Feed schedule: Each plant receiving 1/3 gallon water daily, gradually increasing, except for Vanilla Fizz (half watering amount) - feed regiment once a week IPM: visual inspection - no foliar spray Notes: Day 34 Cookies & Berries (front left) traded places with Vanilla Fizz (back left) due to height and watering restrictions of the fizz Still leaf tucking + lst but also brought in a trellis net to further balance out the canopy Minor defoliation taking place over the week, bud sites are getting crazy - last application of corn sst this week, might've overachieved the results Day 36 Lamp distance lowered to 12" (est. PAR 950+)
Used techniques
Leaf Tucking
Week 6. Flowering
a year ago
20 hrs
27 °C
55 %
21 °C
57 L
2 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 6
Yucca Extract 0.33 mll
Soy Aminos 1.3 mll
Fermented Plant Extract 31.25 mll
Days 39 - 45 (from seed) 3/11/24 - 3/17/24 Lamp distance: 12" @ 100% power (estimate 950+ PAR) VPD: leaf surface temperature averaging 80 degrees - humidity set to 55% Feed schedule: Each plant receiving 1/3 gallon water daily, gradually increased to 1/2 gallon - except for Vanilla Fizz (half watering amount) - feed regiment once a week IPM: visual inspection - EM5 foliar spray to cover crop - 2oz per 1/3 gallon once per week Notes: Finishing up the last of stretching this week it would seem. Vanilla Fizz hardly stretched at all, hoping for some unique traits. Estimated PAR (950+) probably too high in regards to DLI but pushing it for this week. More light defoliation throughout the week as well, especially concerning removing thinner branches not making it up to the trellis and smaller leaves near budsites for airflow. Mango Sky putting on first frost, always praying, very happy.
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Used techniques
Leaf Tucking
Week 7. Flowering
a year ago
20 hrs
25 °C
50 %
18 °C
57 L
2 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 7
Yucca Extract 0.33 mll
Soy Aminos 1.3 mll
Fermented Plant Extract 31.25 mll
Days 46 - 52 (from seed) 3/18/24 - 3/24/24 Lamp distance: 12" @ 100% power (estimate 950 PAR from highest point of canopy) VPD: leaf surface temperature averaging 72 degrees - humidity set to 50% Feed schedule: Each plant receiving 1/4 to 1/3 gallon water twice daily, every 10 hrs apart - except for Vanilla Fizz (half watering amount) - feed regiment has mainly been once a week, but implementing more FPE (2oz per gal.) and now Kefir Whey (4oz per gal.) every third day IPM: visual inspection only, no foliar Notes: Should've lowered the light intensity this week but decided not to - plants didn't seem much fatigued by end of day and fingers crossed the biology below will keep up. I also changed up how they're receiving water with this long of a schedule into flowering. Their entire daily water regiment at once in the morning seemed overwhelming to them at the end of last week, all except Mango Sky Auto who just drinks and prays regardless. Half the water is sprayed in the morning and the other half 10 hrs later in the day. And this from observation seems to be keeping them perky and happier without having to reduce their water to compromise. Fans have also been relocated to upper canopy and the humidifier needing some low-tech mod to stop it from blowing beneath the scrog. Kefir whey has brought on much more praying attitudes from the others as well and the smells are now ramping up. Vanilla Fizz smells like cheese and sort of like perfume. Hot Damn! is leaning funky. Cookies & Berries is highly citrus, little bit of funk with terpinolene or pine maybe. Mango Sky is tropical but smells dank, slight skunk-funky under it - my personal favorite. Mango Sky's leaves are already starting to show signs of senescence this week.
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Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
a year ago
20 hrs
25 °C
50 %
18 °C
57 L
2 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 7
Yucca Extract 0.33 mll
Soy Aminos 1.3 mll
Fermented Plant Extract 31.25 mll
Days 53 - 59 (from seed) 3/25/24 - 3/31/24 Lamp distance: 12" @ 75% power (estimate 800+ PAR from highest point of canopy) VPD: leaf surface temperature averaging 72 degrees - humidity set to 50% Feed schedule: Each plant receiving 1/4 gallon water twice daily, every 10 hrs apart - except for Vanilla Fizz (half watering amount, every other day) - feed regiment once a week + FPE and Whey every third day at 2oz and 4oz per gallon IPM: visual inspection only, no foliar Notes: Garden thoroughly reeks, seems like it happened overnight. Colas are starting to thicken up. Defoliated leaves again further beneath the canopy then added them with about 1 cup of malibu biodynamic compost + 1/2 cup worm castings (per pot) to the mulch layer.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
a year ago
20 hrs
24 °C
45 %
18 °C
57 L
2 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 8
Yucca Extract 0.33 mll
Soy Aminos 1.3 mll
Fermented Plant Extract 31.25 mll
Days 60 - 66 (from seed) 4/1/24 - 4/7/24 Lamp distance: 12" @ 75% power (estimate 800+ PAR from highest point of canopy) VPD: leaf surface temperature averaging 68-72 degrees - humidity set to 45% Feed schedule: Each plant receiving 1/4 gallon water twice daily, every 10 hrs apart - except for Vanilla Fizz (half watering amount, every other day) - feed regiment once a week + supplemental FPE and Whey every third day at 2oz per gallon each IPM: visual inspection only, no foliar Notes: Incorporated a barley sst once this week during feed schedule - high in enzymes. (barley sst - 12 grams dried per gallon - soak 8/12hrs, sprout, then blend w/ 8oz water, strain) Lowered the humidity, otherwise not a lot going on this week in the garden except for staring at it more. Mango Sky fading out even more and Vanilla Fizz starting to show first signs of it's senescence.
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
a year ago
20 hrs
24 °C
45 %
18 °C
57 L
1 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 7
Yucca Extract 0.33 mll
Soy Aminos 1.3 mll
Fermented Plant Extract 31.25 mll
Days 67 - 73 (from seed) 4/8/24 - 4/14/24 Lamp distance: 12" @ 75% power (estimate 800+ PAR from highest point of canopy) VPD: leaf surface temperature averaging 68-72 degrees - humidity set to 45% Feed schedule: Each plant receiving slowly downward now to 1/3 gallon water daily + once a week feeding schedule and additional FPE every third day IPM: visual inspection only, no foliar Notes: Flowers are really swelling up this week. All plants in the tent now showing signs of senescence with Cookies & Berries just barely fading. As the week went on their need for water has slowly diminished back down to roughly 1/3 gallon a day, but a day or two in there they also received their 1/2+ gallon daily. Usually can tell how much watering they need by lifting the pots and determining by weight/feel, or if there's any water run-off but that is quite uncommon/undesirable. Hot Damn! currently reeking the most out of them all, lots of sweet funk when you just get near it. Vanilla Fizz has a very mellow smell check until you do rub it then it's a cheesy/funk bomb. Cookies & Berries seems to have the lightest appearance of resin coverage and the least nose out of the tent - but when you rub it the resin is very very tacky and smells of chemical citrus fruit, maybe pine. Mango Sky is fairly mellow too but after touching the flowers it's bold and sticky, smells like menthol (to me, but not unanimous) and tropical fruits.
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
a year ago
20 hrs
21 °C
40 %
16 °C
57 L
1 L
33.02 cm
Nutrients 4
Yucca Extract 0.33 mll
Fermented Plant Extract 31.25 mll
BIG 6 Micronutrients - BuildASoil
BIG 6 Micronutrients 0.33 mll
Days 74 - 80 (from seed) 4/15/24 - 4/21/24 Lamp distance: 13" @ 50% power (estimate PAR?) VPD: not checking - humidity set to 40% Feed schedule: feed schedule once a week, 1/4 gallon water per plant daily - FPE added at 2oz per gallon every third day IPM: visual inspection only Notes: Final push, fading occurring on all plants now and some amber starting to show during trichome inspection. Cookies & Berries taking the most time of the group to finish while Mango Sky crossed the finish line first. All four plants will be chopped next week on the morning after the full moon, April 24th - according to the moon gardening calendar it is "best time to pick medicinal herbs and plants, while flowers if cut during this time have an intense scent and endure longer." They're close to finished in my book so it can't hurt to follow the lunar suggestion.
Used techniques
Week 12. Harvest
9 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
This was a freebie white label seed that came from North Atlantic Seed Company. I'm almost positive the genetics came from Mosca Seeds. Overall a good healthy strain - uniquely the plant topped itself and put out two distinct top branches and thus an even canopy. I did not get any fruit scents or flavors from this seed - pure rubber, chemical-type smells the whole way.
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Spent 82 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
128.42 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Relaxed, Uplifted, Creative
Positive effects
Medical effects
Anxiety, Pain, Stress
Medical effects
Earthy, Woody, Herbs

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Days 81 - 83 (from seed) 4/22/24 - 4/24/24 Harvest date 4/24/24 according to lunar gardening suggestions. Before lights on, whole plant was cut and hung upside down to dry in the tent at roughly 60 degrees F @ 60% humidity - for a minimum of 16 to 21 days. Did a moderate wet trim on day of harvest to increase airflow and encourage right drying times - 2nd trim performed 5 days later. After drying 18 days Mango Sky, Cookies & Berries and Vanilla Fizz F2 all had large stem snaps - it took Hot Damn! 20 days drying to stem snap.
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Week 12. Harvest
9 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
This was a freebie white label seed that came from North Atlantic Seed Company. I'm unsure of where these genetics come from. Overall an okay strain, terpenes and general resin production seemed lacking - although branching and bud structure was fantastic.
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Spent 82 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
130.12 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Sleepy, Hungry
Positive effects
Medical effects
Medical effects
Earthy, Pine

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Days 81 - 83 (from seed) 4/22/24 - 4/24/24 Harvest date 4/24/24 according to lunar gardening suggestions. Before lights on, whole plant was cut and hung upside down to dry in the tent at roughly 60 degrees F @ 60% humidity - for a minimum of 16 to 21 days. Did a moderate wet trim on day of harvest to increase airflow and encourage right drying times - 2nd trim performed 5 days later. After drying 18 days Mango Sky, Cookies & Berries and Vanilla Fizz F2 all had large stem snaps - it took Hot Damn! 20 days drying to stem snap.
Week 12. Harvest
9 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Purchased from North Atlantic Seed Company Personally sought out these genetics for a potential flavor chaser in an autoflower. This F2 ended up being super squat and put out a zillion little branches and popcorn buds - greasy/oily trichomes. Got zero of the vanilla/caramel notes that might've came up in the lineage but only got pure funky cheese all the way - reeks.
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Spent 82 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
62.37 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Positive effects
Medical effects
Medical effects
Diesel, Cheese, Flowery

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Days 81 - 83 (from seed) 4/22/24 - 4/24/24 Harvest date 4/24/24 according to lunar gardening suggestions. Before lights on, whole plant was cut and hung upside down to dry in the tent at roughly 60 degrees F @ 60% humidity - for a minimum of 16 to 21 days. Did a moderate wet trim on day of harvest to increase airflow and encourage right drying times - 2nd trim performed 5 days later. After drying 18 days Mango Sky, Cookies & Berries and Vanilla Fizz F2 all had large stem snaps - it took Hot Damn! 20 days drying to stem snap.
1 comment
Week 12. Harvest
9 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Purchased from North Atlantic Seed Company This seed produced great branching and great resin production. The smell is very rich, almost nauseating but wonderful. Large yielding, multiple branching and bud sites.
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Spent 82 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
149.97 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Relaxed, Sleepy, Uplifted
Positive effects
Medical effects
Stress, Anxiety
Medical effects
Diesel, Flowery

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Days 81 - 83 (from seed) 4/22/24 - 4/24/24 Harvest date 4/24/24 according to lunar gardening suggestions. Before lights on, whole plant was cut and hung upside down to dry in the tent at roughly 60 degrees F @ 60% humidity - for a minimum of 16 to 21 days. Did a moderate wet trim on day of harvest to increase airflow and encourage right drying times - 2nd trim performed 5 days later. It took Hot Damn! 20 days drying to stem snap.


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Tetiana_Rizcommentedweek 2a year ago
Happy Growing
BOMbolenathcommentedweek 3a year ago
Beautiful organic grow. Congratulations. 👏👏👏💚
skaterblastedcommenteda year ago
@BOMbolenath, Hey thanks man cheers
Chr_Focommentedweek 129 months ago
Nice one! Looks great, enjoy your beautiful harvest.🌿💚
Herbie101commentedweek 0a year ago
Your soil is looking great buddy! All the best for this run and happy growing 🌱🌞🍀
SubliminalSocietycommentedweek 4a year ago
Looks LUSH!! Cant wait to see the nugs!
skaterblastedcommenteda year ago
@SubliminalSociety, Same! Thanks
sanibelislcommentedweek 127 months ago
vanilla fizz f2. i just harvested 2 compound v autos from night owl seeds they are a cross between, chem city blues, chemdogging and vanilla fizz f2. short, stout, miniature versions of their parents. still drying, they smell like good oid seni dipped in vanilla extract. the buzz off of a couple of small inside buds is a creeper for sure, 2 tokes followed 10 minutes later with another and off you go still getting higher 30 minutes later and from that point on it is 1 toke weed to keep the happiness going. all in all very pleased with the cultivar from night owl and will picking up some more of their beans shortly. check out that grow and let me know what you think
the end.
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