
Forgotten Haze Cakes - Terpzy X Kalyseeds

a month ago
Custom Breeder & Strain
Spectrum king
Room Type
weeks 4, 4-5, 5-9, 11-13
weeks 1-4, 4-5, 5-9, 11-13
weeks 1-2, 7-9, 11-13
weeks 1-4, 4-5, 5-9, 11-13
weeks 2-4, 6
weeks 2-4, 4-6
weeks 1-4, 4-9, 11-13
weeks 7-9, 11-13
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 2
21 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
8+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
TechDCo TechDCo
4 months ago
03/03/2024 All looks good. I'm leaving them alone! 05/03/2024 I've been making sure to feed them every night and morning, giving them a fresh soak and a dip in nutrient solution. I find that hydroponics makes this process so much easier and less messy than soil. Obviously lol I'm still learning the ropes, but it's clear to me that hydroponics has its advantages. It's like a whole new world of growing that I'm just starting to explore. I'm determined to take things slow and steady this time. In the past, I've sometimes rushed in and gotten ahead of myself, but now I want to be more patient and deliberate in my approach to growing cannabis. I'm learning as I go, and every step of the way, I'm discovering new things about this journey. - For all we know is, that we know nothing at all! 05/03/2023 The green babies are looking legit tonight. Scored me some sick Alien Square net pots on the way, and the vibe with humidity and temps is spot on. It's all about that slow and steady grind, you know? I'm Like learning its like the tortoises of horticulture lol patience is key in this game. Quality crops take time, my man.nature! July 6, 2024 Today marks a significant turning point for my project, FORGOTTEN HAZE CAKES. The plants have reached a stage where they appear poised to receive the necessary nutrient induction and integration into the conceptual framework of "The Land of The Forgotten Healing Nutrient-Rich Waters: From the Last Plasma Apocalypse." As I reflect on the journey thus far, since the commencement of the vegetative phase, I am astounded by the absence of any foreboding signs or omens signaling potential issues. Despite this, I have chosen to relinquish excessive control and place my trust in a higher power. While I remain vigilant and observant, I endeavor to strike a balance between attentiveness and suffocating oversight! - Now, good day... 07/03/2023 I've got to get the beds cut for the net pots done today. Should take 15mins. 08/03/2024, I successfully completed the setup, including cutting holes for the Alien Nets. Moving on to nutrient management, I specifically measured out Sensi Bloom at 2.5ml per liter for a total of 125ml in my 65-liter system. Given the nature of bloom nutrients, I have decided to adjust the application rate by reducing the dosage by 1.5ml per liter, which brings it down to 4ml per liter for the flower stage, following the manufacturer's recommendation. Furthermore, I have meticulously cleansed the rockwool cubes to rid them of the algae accumulation that manifested overnight. Bloom nutrients are typically higher in phosphorus and potassium, which are essential for promoting flowering and fruiting in plants. These nutrients play a crucial role in supporting robust bloom development, including the formation of flowers, fruits, and seeds. By adjusting the dosage for the vegetative stage, I aim to maintain a balanced nutrient uptake for the plants, emphasizing a more prominent role of nitrogen and other macro and micronutrients needed for vegetative growth. By doing so, I am aiming to provide the plants with the appropriate amount of nutrients at the right growth stage to optimize their development. This tailored approach aligns with the plants' changing nutritional requirements throughout their growth cycle, enhancing their overall health and productivity. In essence, by decreasing the dosage during the vegetative stage, I am ensuring that the plants receive a nutrient blend that is better suited to support vegetative growth, including leafy development and root expansion, ultimately preparing them for a successful transition into the flowering stage, where the higher phosphorus and potassium content of the bloom nutrients will be of greater benefit for flowering and fruiting. Self, it is crucial to recognize that the nutritional requirements of plants undergo a transformation as they advance through various stages of growth. Adjusting the nutrient regimen in accordance with these evolving needs is essential for providing precise support and achieving optimal outcomes. Thus, I urge you to approach this process with deliberate caution, refrain from unnecessary intervention, and maintain vigilant observation and attention. This methodology will undoubtedly lead to the most favorable results. ๐Ÿ”ผ ๐Ÿ†™๏ธ (ATTENTION NOVICE PRACTITIONERS! PLEASE REVIEW THE ABOVE - AS I AM AMUSED FOR I'M PRACTICIN) YESTERDAYS NEWS๐Ÿ“ฐ Country Fellow Gardens of the wonder world, please ๐Ÿ™ and pardon my flamboyant nature, good sirs and madams, but it appears my faithful hound hath made a meal of the White Vegan Maker; chewed to bits it was, the young Martina! Fear not, for I have the appropriate dog tags at the ready for these rascally rogues to ensure they shall not stray, once they start pushing there necks out! The other plants have entered a state of cryogenic preservation in the propagator. 10/03/2024 Hark! Upon the tenth day of March in the year of our Lord 2024, at the hour of crows. I find myself disoriented and perplexed, for no momentous tidings do I bring forth! The verdant tops have been duly sprayed and sustained with aqueous nourishment. Verily, it may be necessary to employ the aid of the dehumidifier when the appointed hour arrives for these tops to cease their ceaseless agitation! Alas, it is an enigmatic spectacle to behold! Let us hope the dehumidifier does not protest over this added responsibility, for it is wont to be quite cantankerous when compelled into such service. Now, I pray thee, to lend an ear to my account, for I am naught but a time-traveler, bewildered and astounded by the unfamiliar sights and customs of this era. Behold, it is my earnest purpose to cultivate the herb known as cannabis in this bygone age. Why, you may ask? Allow me to elucidate. In days to come, the medicinal properties of cannabis shall be hailed and its myriad benefits extolled. Yet, in mine own time, the cultivation and utilization of this herb are subject to stringent regulation and prohibition. Thus, with unflinching resolve, I have journeyed back through the annals of time to an epoch where such cultivation is permissible, for the purpose of honing my expertise in the nurturing of this botanical marvel. Whilst the motives behind my journey may seem enigmatic, the earnestness of my pursuit cannot be gainsaid. Verily, I beseech thee to heed my words, for in the fullness of time, the knowledge and wisdom acquired in this age shall reverberate through the annals of history, contributing to the understanding and recognition of the virtues possessed by the cannabis plant. It is not a trifling matter of jest or caprice, but a fervent quest to unlock the potential of this herb for the betterment of humanity. As I toil upon these verdant yonders, I am filled with an abiding hope that my endeavors may one day bring solace and remedy to those in need. Though my garb and manner may seem incongruous to thee, I implore thee to regard my purpose with an open mind, for the fabric of time itself is a tapestry woven with the threads of countless enigmas and marvels. As I traverse the boundless expanse of temporal currents, I carry with me the conviction that the cultivation of cannabis in this epoch shall serve as a catalyst for the evolution of understanding and acceptance, transcending the confines of disparate ages and cultures. Therefore, I entreat thee, do not dismiss my presence as mere whimsy or chicanery, but rather, extend to me the graciousness of thy consideration, for within the verdant arcs and sinews of these towering specimens, I see naught but the promise of healing and enlightenment! 10/03/2024 Upon the tenth day of March in the year 2024, I do inscribe this entry into my verdant-laden record. An inadvertent folly transpired in the midst of my endeavors, for the initial leaves of the cannabis plant were mistakenly besprinkled with a solution of Hydrogen Peroxide of twelve percent potency. A grievous slip of my hand, indeed! It appears that in the muddle of my labors, the contents of my vessels were unwittingly interchanged, leading to this momentary lapse in judgment. Thus, as I beheld the consequences of my inadvertence, I swiftly took rectifying measures, purging the plant of the errant solution and commiserated with myself for the misstep. Nonetheless, let not your apprehensions gather, for the extent of harm wrought upon the plant is but slight. Verily, it would seem that the fates have deemed it necessary for me to experience a mishap, as was foretold by your prescient observations. LEAVES ALERT โš ๏ธ Mid-day: In this veritable journey through the cultivation of this revered herb, it is apparent that the path is fraught with pitfalls and untoward occurrences. Nevertheless, I remain resolute in my pursuit, for it is through such trials and tribulations that wisdom is garnered, and the art of cultivation honed upon the forge of experience. Let this be recorded as a testament to the resilience of the cannabis plant and the unwavering determination of its caretaker.
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Grow Questions
TechDCostarted grow question 4 months ago
Purple Punch is in the same rockwool as peyote Wi-Fi CBD 2:1 but she's looking dark and Purple already. Does she look OK? Very dark and purple but looks healthy. If both get hydroponiced in the same rockwool would one strangle the other being this close? I ask this because..
Leaves. Color - Dark-purple
Setup. Seedling
m0useanswered grow question 4 months ago
Most likely the greener one will outshine as it will be better at photosynthesizing. Kill one off so the other can live a better life. or try and transplant it. Your Call.
Sit_Ubu_Sit_Good_Doganswered grow question 4 months ago
no.. that doesn't look okay, lol. they will definitely compete and most likely 1 will dominate more often than equal sharing. even the non-dark seedling is looking rough. Definitely some sort of imbalance in your water. If it's too cold at night, might be why the one turned oddly dark and maybe other is abit more resiient in that 1 way but you already have visible symptoms in leaves... something is drastically off for that to happen this soon.
Organomananswered grow question 4 months ago
NEVER grow 2 plants side by side.......they will compete for EVERYTHING and instead of getting 2 full plants, you get 2 one quarter sized plants.
TechDCostarted grow question 4 months ago
Hi, I'm ready soon to place them into net pots, what's the beat type of net pot for long term use for cannabis?
Dabkinganswered grow question 4 months ago
I believe any of them would work just fine so long as the roots can get through, and all of them seem good to go.
Hashyanswered grow question 4 months ago
Go to a hydroponics store and just get standard round ones. I find they are all for one use only as the roots get that big.
AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question 4 months ago
They are all made of plastic of varying sizes and shapes. There is no "Best One". There is what works best for your situation. You can use a 3.5 inch, a 6", a 12" whatever. Their all the same. Just pick one that will work for whatever setup you intend on using.
TechDCostarted grow question 4 months ago
Has anybody ordered from here before? Prices seem good; I ordered 10 Alien Mesh Pots!
m0useanswered grow question 4 months ago
Never tried that page before. Can't say much to it. They have good reviews on google and trust pilot. grain of salt with then though. easily manufactured. Good Luck!
TechDCostarted grow question 3 months ago
Droopy still after 3hrs ish of fresh Feed? The feed water is cold and shocked the roots? Nothing else different just fresh! Then again she is a 100% Sativa and others are Indicas. She'll perk up! I've properly missed something ๐Ÿ˜• Read diary!
Buds. Other
Leaves. Curl down
TechDCostarted grow question 3 months ago
I need to buy 4 Nano stones? What's the best nano stone products? I did a bit of research and the Hygger Aquarium Air Stone. Seems to be the best. What's your thoughts? My plants need finer air to be dissolved! The tips are curling slightly! She's a sativa and her tops are fresh.
Leaves. Curl up

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TechDCoweek 2
Country Fellow Gardens of the wonder world, please ๐Ÿ™ and pardon my flamboyant nature, good sirs and madams, but it appears my faithful hound hath made a meal of the White Vegan Maker; chewed to bits it was, the young Martina! Fear not, for I have the appropriate dog tags at the ready for these rascally rogues to ensure they shall not stray, once they start pushing there necks out!
TechDCoweek 2
All Setup!
TechDCoweek 2
They said on the News the country is warming up! don't they know its spring!
KushPartyweek 2
Looks good ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘
@KushParty, thanks brother ๐Ÿ™
Lemonhazeloverweek 0
Happy germination and good luck buddy โ˜˜๏ธ
@Lemonhazelover, thanks a lot bro. It feels weird, with no coco like I'm in a lab!
Load more (1)
TechDCoweek 2
Thanks everyone for ya help. Much appreciated ๐Ÿ™
TechDCoweek 2
Hey folks, when I jot down my entries, I dig throwing in some jokes here and there with stories and plots and twists, and a dash of creative writing to spice things up for y'all as you peruse my journals โœ๏ธ...
TechDCoweek 2
Well, folk's! It's official, they've bounced back from my rookie mistakes!
TechDCoweek 1
Hey there brothers & sisters. I'm embarking on my initial foray into hydroponics, and it's fair to say that I've encountered some novice missteps along the way. At present, we are transitioning into the vegetative phase subsequent to a roughly two-week and three-day tenure within the seedling stage. I'm in the process of acquainting myself with the intricacies of this endeavor, my friends.
TechDCoweek 0
I'll update when they enter vegetative stage. Otherwise this is getting boring and they need to be left alone now. The nutrients seems fine.
TechDCoweek 0
This time! - let's aim for a perfect grow! ๐Ÿ‘Œ let's have it!
TechDCoweek 0
- If cleanliness is next to Godliness, then it's impossible for me to be beside myself!