He defoliated some big leafs that was blocking undergrowth and he used some little sticks to spread them out.
I told him earlier in the week to dry the pot out most of the way then give each one a gallon with a very small amount of Sinsi Bloom A+B at 2ml per gallon ph to 6.4 and other good nutrients at very low dose. It seemed to kick start them. He thanked me for the advise.
Another AutoDinafem adventure up and running on the grow diary platform 👍
You have 2 of our autos and both will perform very sell for you my friend 👊
Both Blue amnesia xxl auto Cheese XXL auto are 2 of our bigger autos in both growth and production.
Get ready mate this is going to be one crazy grow which I'll be watching with interest 👌
Good luck mate. I'll drop back in on the next update 👊
All the best 🙏