Day 15 UPDATE : I transplanted into 1.7 gallon pots using Royal Gold’s King Mix and some extra added perilite.
Also I want to give a big thanks to @tryhard for gifting me these seeds
@CRiSPrGrow, you just might need it. The dump truck that is. But as of the moment his shit is still here. But dont worry we will put a post it note on the door... for when you leave.... so just in case you forget... and the dump truck doesn't jog your memory.... we got a post it note to remind us..... see I'm thinking... so see you in a couple days..
@Teamdirtbag2, step one turn up to farmer bretts step two get high step three forget why you're there again step four repeat. the plan is flawless meanwhile i'm renting a dump truck. I've got 12 thousand miles cross in the rental so I'll be a couple days....
@CRiSPrGrow, hahahahahaha NO!!! Its Saturday night Oct 27, it is still in the same place 3 weeks later. Dont worry you got time. Hey honestly if you swing by I would send you home high as a kite, and with samples of everything. Even Irons stuff.... I wish I could share a pic of his buckets in my garage.... 😂😂😂😂