Sun Feb 4 - I flushed the plants with PH'ed water using 2 litres per plant. I then vacuumed the water that was pouring out from
Day 93 under the grow bag so that the plant doesn't suck the water back up as it has nutrients in it.
- I actually forgot to put the Florakleen in the water first, I'm so annoyed about that.
- I'll probably put it in the water on the next watering and then flush that the next day as I intend on harvesting
the plants over the weekend. It miight take the entire weekend to do it. Even with the bowl trimmer.
- I'm planning on using the bowl trimmer on just half of the plants and doing a hand trim on the other half and
keeping the buds separate all throughout the drying and curing process because I want to see if the bowl trimmer
destroys the trichomes and if that affects the taste, smell, smoke and feeling. I have an official taste tester for that.
Wed Feb 7 - I flushed the plants again with PH'ed water and florakleen because I forgot to add it last time.
Day 96 - I will flsuh the florakleen out 2 days from now to ensure that the florakleen doesn't affect the end results.
Fri Feb 9 - I was going to water the plants to flush the Florakleen, but I wasn't feel well today and just couldn't muster the energy
Day 98