Been away on the week 5 and I’m moving home in the next week so not much time to post anything. Finally made some pictures today.
Gorilla punch is triving with many branches sides and looking good. Starting to get frosty.
Let’s goooo 🙌🏼
Nice Grow :)
Isnt it to much to let them dry for 2 Weeks if you want to Cure them ?
Bcs as far as i know you have to let them 1 Week to dry to cure afterwards, after 2 Weeks they would be to dry for ( Not my personal experience but i got informed like that)
@SexualHarasmentPanda, yeah, sometimes could be less.. usually I check in the first week, but most of my plants are dry in the way I expect after 10, 14 days .. and I had some I let even more.. I will check and update later 👍🏼