
First Legal Grow in Germany

7 days ago
Kingpower 60x60x180
Room Type
weeks 2-8
weeks 6-7
Biobizz Light Mix
Grow medium
Grow medium
Germination Method
Peat Pellet
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 92%
Method popularity - 7%
Critical Automatic
Avg. success
Zamnesia Seeds - 92%
Critical Automatic - 86%
Northern Lights Automatic
Avg. success
Zamnesia Seeds - 92%
Northern Lights Automatic - 93%
Runtz Auto
Avg. success
Zamnesia Seeds - 92%
Runtz Auto - 92%
Commented by
Mike_269 Mike_269
3 months ago
As many of you know Germany recently passed the legalisation law for Cannabis allowing three plants per person and 50g in total for people over 21 years of age. So I decided to run my first grow ever with three Autos. If all four sprout, I will get rid of the weakest NL. Soaked and sprayed them with warm distilled water and they are now hopefully germinating under my GC4 with about 40cm distance with only germination light on. I tested the DLI under the dome, according to Photone App they should have 12 DLI with that distance. Wish me luck! Update: Four days later finally all four seeds sprouted! Fastest one and currently biggest is the Critical, then Northern Lights, then the Runtz and finally the other Northern Lights. I couldn't be happier with the Seedling process. I think I'll wait two more days and then I'll transplant them into their final Pots. Next update: I saw that the Critical Auto already grew its root through the Jiffy so I decided to repot them into their final pot already. I made my first small mistake by ripping a bit of said root off while removing the net. Hopefully it won't cause major problems. I potted all three into 8L fabric pots with about 2,5kg of Biobizz Light Mix soil each. I sprinkled some mykorrhiza fungi into the hole to increase root grow and watered each of them with about 150ml distilled water. I now turned the full spectrum light on and set the height of the lamp so that they'll have about 16 DLI, about 90cm. I turned on the small clip fan on smallest speed so that they have indirect air circulation. I poured water on the tent floor to increase humidity and set the thermostat so that the AC infinity Cloudline T4 starts sucking air out of the tent when it reaches 71% relative humidity. That should achieve a nice environment for my three little babies. Let's hope for the best and prepare for the worst! Last update: I watered all of them with 100ml ph optimized 5.4 tap water on 6th day after starting, the biggest Flower is still the Critical with 8cm height and now four visible small fanleaves. Very satisfied!
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Grow Questions
Mike_269started grow question 2 months ago
Is that a sign of overwatering or LST Stress? I watered 2 days ago but trained yesterday.
m0useanswered grow question 2 months ago
prob overwatering. Limp Leaves + Stiff Stems = Overwatered Limp Leaves + Limp Stems = Underwatered
Mike_269started grow question 2 months ago
What problem does she have? It looks like nitrogen deficiency to me, or could that be something else? it seems to be too spotty to be nitrogen?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
001100010010011110answered grow question 2 months ago
one old leaf at the bottom? If isolated, i'd ignore it.. a plant does shed a leaf on occasion.
Mike_269started grow question 2 months ago
I noticed red leaf tips on top of one of my plant the Critical. Is that nutrient burn?
Leaves. Color - Red or pink
m0useanswered grow question 2 months ago
Lilkey the first sign of mild nutrient burning. Best to back off till it's a bit bigger to handle that concentration in your feeding solution. Nothing to worry about not that you have caught it and will adress it.

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Doc_Homegrowweek 0
Ich hätte ggf. einen Tipp zum Venti, falls du es nicht sowieso schon machst xD Richte den Venti am besten auf eine Zeltwand damit es zu einem passiven Luftstrom kommt. Die Pflanzen sind noch viel zu schwach um den Luftstrom auszuhalten, wenn du ihn direkt auf sie richtest oder auf den Boden des Zeltes richtest. Und lass den Venti am besten nicht die ganze Zeit laufen. Ich habe die Erfahrung gemacht, dass hierdurch zwar die Luftfeuchtigkeit besser im Zelt verteilt ist, jedoch deutlich sinkt. Sieht aber gut soweit aus. Und du musst dir keinen Stress machen weil du ein kleines Stück Wurzel abgerissen hat. Cannabis kann auch am Stiel Wurzeln bilden, wenn das Stück mit Erde bedeckt ist. Also sollten einfach neue Wurzeln nachwachsen und der Pflanze sonst nichts passieren :)
Hattiwattiweek 0
Good Luck. Looking good 👌
Doc_Homegrowweek 0
Viel Erfolg und Happy growing ✌️ Für ersten legalen Grow bist du aber etwas früh dran 😉
@Mike_269, Achso ist das 😂 Habe ja auch etwas früher angefangen. Selbst wenn man jetzt noch erwischt werden sollte, wird es spätestens am 01.04 fallen gelassen, da die Anestie-Reglung in Kraft tritt. Die 50g Grenze ist nur etwas problematisch mit 3 Pflanzen, wenn alle ca. gleichzeitig fertig werden 😅
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@Doc_Homegrow, Zeitumstellung 😉😂 Danke dir :)
Mosquito_Haarlem_Hollandweek 0
Niet de zwakke NL weggooien. Plant ze ergens in de natuur. Ergens beschut in een bos of park bijvoorbeeld 😁
@Mosquito_Haarlem_Holland, I'm in the city centre without any forest nearby :/
SeRiTVweek 0
Viel Erfolg 👍
@SeRiTV, Danke Bro 👌