I'm still trying to figure them out. I know the pH is from 7 to 6.5. My meter is not the most accurate, so I try to use more than one method for obtaining the pH. I've been giving Cal mag with a nutrient solution. This seems to be helping but I'm thinking I may still not be in the optimal ph range for this strain. Somebody, anybody, come save me. 🥦HELP🥦
Its nutrient related mate more than likely a few deficiencies mainly P+K but also likely calcium as well
check ph is on point and give her a complete feed with NPK and all the micro nutrients as well
Looks like she is wanting phosphorus and potassium . If it was a water issue the leaves would be a lot droopier. I think you went too long before providing feed or enough . Vegging npk ratio is 3-1-2.