
1st try - Photoperiodic 2024 (Runtz, Critical and Kalini Asia - all Zamnesia Seeds)

5 hours ago
Germination Method
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 6%
Avg. success
Zamnesia Seeds - 92%
Runtz - 94%
Avg. success
Zamnesia Seeds - 92%
Critical - 86%
Kalini Asia
Avg. success
Zamnesia Seeds - 92%
Kalini Asia - 96%
Avg. success
Zamnesia Seeds - 92%
Critical - 86%
Commented by
Bunterbiber Bunterbiber
2 months ago
Ciao guys, welcome to my first try with photoperiodic seeds. I've ordered 3 different kinds of seeds (Runtz, Kalini Asia and Critical - all Zamnesia Seeds). For the germination process I put all the seeds in a glass of water for 24h. After that I moved them into coconut pellets. This worked perfect for Kalini Asia and Runtz (plants were visible on the surface after the second day in the pellets). For Critical it didn't work as well. Therefore I started another try with 2 additional seeds in parallel with the paper towel technique after 24h in a glass of water - 1 of them germinated today. So the critical seed will be approx. 1 week behind the other 2 (see last picture). I'll be using a 20W LED after germination and in the first few weeks of vegetation phase (till they are too big for my little indoor grow house). Light on/off period per day is 18h/6h. The temperature in the little grow house is 25°C when the light is on and 20°C when it's off (thanks to the heat mat). My plan is to keep the babies indoor till around May. From May on I'll put them outside while the sun is present. After dawn they'll be moved inside. I'm not using any nutrient at the moment. I'll start with nutrients when I'll move them into the final pots. So thanks to you for stepping by and wishing you a wonderful time with your grow projects!
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Hi. Sieht super aus. Damals : ) als ich noch jung war ... hatte ich outdoor Probleme mit Nacktschnecken. Schneckenkorn half ... . Das Zeug wurde einfach weiträumig ausgestreut, aber halt nicht auf die Wurzeln.
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Deckst Du die Oberfläche er Erde in den Töpfen ab um sie vor zu schnellem Austrocknen zu schützen?
Hattiwattiweek 0
Good Luck 🍀
allways_beginnerweek 5
Hi. I've read, that most growers run into Calcium and Magnesium deficits in week 4 or so. Not from the best source of information, though. They say "CalMag" fertilizer should be used to counter it. ... or look up "Biotabs". Could you please, maybe, list the fertilizers you use and the amount used. Still: I'm not an expert. Nice plants. They really are taking off.
@allways_beginner, yes, I observe these parameters except ppm.
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@Bunterbiber, One Biotab tablet costs about 1,25 €. They come in packages of 10. Won't get any cheaper.
@allways_beginner, yes I know this page and I already worked myself through. The situation with the hanging leafs improved already...I just put them on the window where they now get direct sunlight. It seems that now they need more than just the blue spectrum of the LED light.
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allways_beginnerweek 4
... i bought neem oil and kali soap against insects like lice and such. Just saying it ... would get it now to be ready if any pest hits the plants. It is both deluted in water ; ) and then sprayed on the plants regularly to strengthen them / harden them against insects. And: If you have a pest, the buggers are drowned by spraying them ... .
@Bunterbiber, Hi. The Biotabs will bring you through the complete grow without hassle. Watering: Only plain water. Tab or rain or ... .
@allways_beginner, ;-)...during the last two days the number of the little sciarids increased much. I'm pretty sure that it has to do with the fact that the soil is always wet on top (which is very good for the grubs of the flies)...
@allways_beginner, no, I don't know this kind of fertilizer (this is my first grow - I'm a bloody beginner ;-) ). During veg phase I'll use the organic fertilizer Italpollina (4:4:4) and for the flowering phase I intend to apply Compo Sana Grow flower (organic version)
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allways_beginnerweek 3
Hi. I may be wrong, but i maybe see white outlines on the leaves. They could be possible chalk deposits from the chalk in your tab water. I would not spray the plants with tab wather, since the deposits can be origin of various diseases. I'm not an experienced grower, but i had orchids ... and it was the case with them. In general: I recommend rain water if available. I keep watching your diary ... ... not that you would mind. Looks like a good diary. Im interested in the nutrient side of the grow : ) . ... 👋
@Bunterbiber, And: Maybe use Perlite. Fluffs up the soil a lot.
@Bunterbiber, I countered my overwatering issue with holes in the sides of the pots. The pots dry out quicker, this on the other side, requires a more frequent watering shedule .... when using small pots. By the example "Air Pot" ... you can google it.
@allways_beginner, thanks for your hints! The white outlines are coming from a little stupid test I did (liquid nutrients, which I sprayed on them), when I had the over-watering issue. At that point of time I was not sure, if the over-watering was the root cause of the issues. Yes, you're completely right....rain water would be perfect. I was collecting some rain water, but since I'm living in an apartment house in which I don't have the possibility to collect it in bigger volumes. Therefore currently I don't have a perfect solution at the moment.
allways_beginnerweek 5
Why no slight LST in this stage of the grow?
@allways_beginner, since this is my first grow and I'd like to test topping for now and I don't have to get everything out of the plants.
Alfa_Ketearweek 0
Great strains and good breeder. Good luck with your first photo grow 👊
@Alfa_Ketear, thanks a lot and all the best to you ✌️