Week 4
They grew a looot!! 😏
Tester A from 21cm to 43cm
Tester B from 23cm to 51cm
Stopped adding Startbooster, started feeding and also adding CaMg Boost and adjusting the pH of course (which wasn't necessary without P Boost).. 😇
I actually want to feed P Boost but ran out of it haha!
So it's Super PK for now..
Fun fact:
(or not so funny if you get surprised by it)
Aptus P Boost is acidic, whilst Super PK is alkaline. You can use this to your advantage! 😏
Blueberry Bubblegum Automatic Seeds
[Gelato #420 x Sunset Sherbet ]
Please visualize my excitement when I found out that those are the genetics of my Sensi testers! 😃😲😍😁
Welcome growmies, to the becoming of the Blueberry Bubblegum Automatic, I popped two seeds, and they came out like two clones! 😎