
Night Owl - Pope Banner III

5 months ago
Room Type
weeks 5-11
ProMix HP
Grow medium
19 L
Pot Size
3.79 L
Pope Banner III
Night Owl Seeds
Growing it
Beautiful colors, potent smell, smooth smoke.
The Outcome
Week 12
What's on the scales?
Bud wet weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
plant / m²
watt / m²
Reviews. Nutrient
Grow dots & recharge combo coming through solid again on another grow!!
Love this stuff!! Pot always end up filling with massive root balls at the end of my grow.
Unfortunately the plant I was using this in hermed on me so I can give it a review
I recently started using RO water instead of spring water bought at the store. So I was told I had to supplement calmag while using grow dots. Decided to start silica bc grow dots didn’t have any and I think it worked great. Stems were nice thick and solid.
Definitely incorporating this stuff in the future. Help make my buds nice big and super dense!!
Reviews. Lamp
Still a rock solid budget light working great for me!!
Commented by
IniquityX12 IniquityX12
5 months ago
Overall was a great grow with awesome results. Trimming didn’t take me too long bc there really wasn’t much leaf around the buds other than the bigger sugar leafs. Will definitely be growing this again next time probably in living soil.
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Hattiwatticommentedweek 28 months ago
IniquityX12commented8 months ago
@Hattiwatti, Thanks you!! 🤙🏻
Green_Man_420commentedweek 18 months ago
Looking great! Happy growing 👊🏻✌️
IniquityX12commented8 months ago
@Green_Man_420, thanks man, appreciate the love! Looking forward to this grow! 🤙🏻
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 116 months ago
She's looking great, it won't be long now 🤤 ✌️😎💨
MR_Poof_K93commentedweek 48 months ago
Feliz cultivo 💚🔥💪
DutchFarmercommentedweek 08 months ago
Your growth is like a symphony of nature's melodies! 🎶 Keep on harmonizing
eppeep42commentedweek 113 months ago
how did you enjoy smoking her? looked amazing
IniquityX12commented3 months ago
@eppeep42, she smokes amazing. Really enjoying it and definitely gonna grow it again!
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 97 months ago
Delicious looking nuggets on that girl 😋 ✌️😎💨
LostToFollowUpcommentedweek 36 months ago
Curious about your experience with the ac infinity self watering bases, I just started using them for my current grow and I ran into issues due to over watering of all things. I had spoken with one of their reps who said he uses them in his grows so I followed his directions and ran into issues in short order but live and learn so I now know not to simply keep the bases full as the wicking action will suck up all the water up into the soil in less than 24hrs, I stupidly filled the bases with 1 gallon of water into each of them, then 3 days later refilled the bases with another gallon of water (without thinking to check how heavy the pots were .....) then another 3 days later when I was about to pour another gallon into each of the bases I checked the pots and realized they weighed over 20lbs and were saturated. I ended up not being able to water any of the plants for over 14 days as it took a hot minute for the plants to use what they wanted and for the fabric pots to dry out enough so that I could get them back on a regular schedule. Now I know for my next grow to start them out with 1/2 gallon at the most being poured into the bases and also to check how heavy the pots are before blindly adding more water into the bases. Thankfully this over-watering experience only seemed to have seriously effected one out of the five plants I've got growing atm, Had not expected this to happen as everyone told me it was impossible to over water the plants using these bases
IniquityX12commented6 months ago
@LostToFollowUp, I had one plant that loved it and one plant that hated it. One plant would drink a gallon every other day the other one took forever. I was told by a few people to every couple days or so rotate the pots so that way the wicks wouldn’t stick to the bottom of the pot, so I would always get a feel of how heavy they were. I started using them around day 23 and ditched them after a few weeks bc of the inconsistency between the two plants. Someone told me that Sativa Autoflowers were very picky with them which is probably what happened with me. Definitely willing to give them another shot just maybe implement them further down the road closer to flower.