
Wurlz F1 Auto #1

7 months ago
Grow Conditions
Week 1
24 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Commented by
Kagesan Kagesan
8 months ago
🔥🇩🇪Daily updates.🇩🇪🔥 I am open to suggestions for improvement. Write me if I do something stupid. I know that not everything is perfect, but I try to make the best of my circumstances.🤓 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ⚙️Setup: The 70x70x160 tent is located in a converted and insulated 4 square metre basement room. The air that comes into the room goes through a filter beforehand to avoid contamination.My exhaust air leaves the house. The 300W lamp and the large fan with 400 CMF were on offer at the time I bought them 😅(264€ and 127€). I don't think I will use the equipment to its full potential as I only plan to use around 200w+. Light : Mars Hydro FC-3000E-Smart 300w Air : Mars Hydro iFresh 6-inch smart fan Tent : Mars Hydro 70x70x160 Air circulation : Profan+ 12w ⭐Goals: I want to harvest one plant with a dry weight of 40-50 gr. every 3 weeks and the tent should run the whole year 24/0. I want to grow as simply as possible and have therefore decided in favour of RQS products. I may air condition the tent room in the summer, I'll see how much trouble I have with the temperature. A humidifier and dehumidifier are also on my shopping list, but I want to wait and see how the parameters stabilise with plants in different life cycles. 🇩🇪Explanation for all non-Germans: We are allowed to have 3 plants and 50gr (theoretically 60gr) per person. That complicates things a little. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Germination 01.04.24 - 07.04.24 Vegetation08.04.24 - Today 🌱Day 8 || After removing the dome (it previously intercepted some light) and readjusting the lamp to exactly 50 cm, I now get 300 to 310 ppfd. I will slowly increase this value. Sorry for the 55% humidity. Towards evening I will water with 200ml. Humidity 55%// 26°C Light 30% //50cm//300-310PPFD (I have decided to keep the light on for 24 hours.😎 I'm only at 90 watts.😅😜 And I am afraid of the darkness😶‍🌫️) 🌱Day 9 || 🤓 200ml water Humidity 55%// 26°C Light 35% //50cm//340-360PPFD 🌱Day 10 || 200ml water Humidity 55%// 26°C Light 37% //50cm//380-395PPFD 🌱Day 11 || 200ml wather Humidity 55%// 26°C Light 40% //50cm//405-415PPFD 🌱Day 12 || 200ml wather Humidity 52%// 26°C Light 40% //50cm//405-415PPFD 🌱Day 13 || Since moving to the pot which I had previously moistened with 1.5 litres of water, I have now watered with a total of 1.4 litres of water in the last 7 days. The intervals between watering have increased from 18 to 30 hours during this time. The soil in the top 3 cm is always very dry before watering. This is probably due to my low humidity. So far, the water has never flowed completely through the pot. I check the humidity of the soil with my measuring device. After watering, the soil at the bottom of the pot is 4 to 5 on a scale of 1 to 10, i.e. moist. I don't think I'll have a problem with waterlogging. I'm going to switch from distilled water to Easy Grow from RQS straight away. I am afraid.😶‍🌫️ After a thorough examination of the soil, I have decided to water as follows. 100ml+100ml distilled water, 100ml+100ml Easy Grow, 100ml+100ml distilled water. I took a 15 minute break every 100ml. It's now been six hours, so far everything looks great. Humidity 53%// 26°C Light 40% //50cm//405-415PPFD 🌱Day 14 || 😁😁😁😁 Watering not necessary Humidity 54%// 26°C Light 40% //50cm//405-415PPFD
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Grow Questions
Kagesanstarted grow question 8 months ago
Hello, I think I have a slight over-fertilisation. Could someone have a look at this. And could someone explain to me in this context whether and how bad it is that the water does not flow through when watering. I have never had water under the pot.
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Grey_Wolfanswered grow question 8 months ago
you dont need to water to runoff when using soil just keep it hydrated those leaf tips do look a little pale but not burnt so I cant be certain what the actual cause is maybe just to be certain halve the feeds you are giving them mate

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DrGreenfingercommentedweek 28 months ago
Deine sind schon so groß das ist verrückt. Bin etwas neidisch. Greenfinger is waching you 😁👀
Kagesancommented8 months ago
@Racun, ne, hab sie glaub ich nur zu früh voll gefüttert, und die 24h Licht waren glaub ich auch nicht ganz unnütz. Bedankt hat sie sich bei mir mit dem gelben spitzen. Hab sie vorhin das erste mal schlafen gelegt nachdem ich mir erstmal durchgelesen hab was genau DIL ist 😅, Hab noch ne DoSiDos die ca gleich alt ist und die ist ne mittelschwere Katastrophe 3/4 Samen nicht gekeimt, wachstum eingestellt usw. Glaub die F1 Gene sind echt böse.😁 Wie und warum ich die Vorblüte so früh getriggert hab weiß ich auch nicht 😅
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DrGreenfingercommented8 months ago
@Racun, wo du es sagst 😁
Racuncommented8 months ago
@DrGreenfinger, der mogelt doch mit den weeks^^
Greenshiftcommentedweek 28 months ago
Dir auch viel Erfolg, schaut ja schonamaal super aus :)
Kagesancommented8 months ago
@Greenshift, Dankeschön☺️
DrGreenfingercommentedweek 48 months ago
Da denkt man sich nichts böses macht sein Tagebuch fertig, schaut bei Kagesan vorbei und denkt sich ....Jop is klar Einfach nur geil 😃
Racuncommentedweek 28 months ago
Neidisch. Also etwas. Glaub den strain muss ich mir mal merken. Machst ja auch living soil, wie ich das seh.
iliketogrowintheclosetcommentedweek 28 months ago
Looks pretty good so far. Keep doing what you are doing ;)
iliketogrowintheclosetcommented8 months ago
@Kagesan, no worries. If in doubt just do/use less. If you have any questions let me know.
Kagesancommented8 months ago
@@iliketogrowinthecloset, Thank you very much.😊 But I'm afraid of messing up every day. 😅😩
GreenCosmoscommentedweek 08 months ago
Nice! Freu mich schon auf dein Tagebuch! Wird (für mich) interessant zu sehen wie die unter 300w wachsen. Eine Frage: Willste die 24/0 den ganzen grow über durchziehen? In der Blüte und mit 100% Licht wären das 7,2kWh pro Tag nur für LEDs. 50,4kWh pro Woche und bei 7 Wochen Blüte = 352,8kWh. Bei einer kWh von ca. 0,40€ biste bei 141€ für 2 Pflanzen und das sind nur die Kosten für das Licht. 😨
Kagesancommented8 months ago
@GreenCosmos, Hi 👋😃 und danke für deinen Kommentar.😊 Ich wollte erst morgen meine Pläne und mein Setup posten, aber ich Spoiler dich schon mal.😉 Bei Licht und Luft dachte ich mir haben ist besser als brauchen. Ich bin auf 6 Pflanzen beschränkt (CanG) und der Room ist für 4 vorgesehen und soll ab morgen 20/4 laufen.
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Natronacommentedweek 87 months ago
Congrats 👏 on your harvest 🎉. Look forward to smoke report since I just bought Wurlz.
Hattiwatticommentedweek 67 months ago
Looking Good 👌🍀
Hattiwatticommentedweek 86 months ago
Nice grow 👌
Kagesancommented6 months ago
@Hattiwatti, Thank you, it tastes great by the way 😉💚