
Grow Kick-off Elev8 2024

23 days ago
Eden’s Apple by Elev8
Room Type
weeks 1, 4, 8-9
weeks 4
weeks 4
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 15
3 hrs
Light Schedule
8+ conditions after
Commented by
SecretC8keSociety SecretC8keSociety
a month ago
Today is Day 66 & chopped down this morning to hang the whole upside down. Lower my AC to 68 but in the dry room it at 63 degree & humidity at 53 working it way up. Gotta to keep the door shut. On my calendar marked Day 1 Harvest. Around Day 12-14 will do the dry trim & update for harvest post. Will go in Grove Bag ✔️
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Papa_Tweek 9
So I see you’re using Lotus Nutrients. Are you mixing feed into your water every time you irrigate? Or are you doing a feed/water/feed/water schedule?
@SecretC8keSociety, yeah it’s definitely been a rollercoaster with lotus. I do also weigh the powder in grams now. It seems to be more accurate that way. My tap water is the same as you it’s sitting around 58-60 PPM depending on the day. So it’s pretty clean water to begin with. My water temp is slightly above 70. It’s probably around 71. I’m not gonna over concern myself with a degree or two. But yeah I hear ya, it’s not the easiest nutrient to work with and there’s definitely a huge grey area and it’s open to many interpretations. When I mix a gallon I always start with the calmag. Then add the rest after. I use a blender bottle with the little shaker inside that is supposed to be used for mixing protein shakes after a work out. I just put some water in it add whatever shake the shit out of it and then dump it into the rest of the gallon. Rinse and repeat with the other nutrients. Yeah Lotus never does ever completely dissolve. Which talking with other growers, they also found the same thing. According to lotus it’s totally normal for it not to completely dissolve. But it’s weird. Yeah a lot of people run the photone app. It’s cheap and inexpensive. I don’t know how well it works. I have the Apogee MQ-500 par meter. It’s the best out on the market and there’s not guessing games with how much light I’m pushing. Lights isn’t really my concern either. I run three HLG lights. The 300L B spec for veg, the 350 R for mid veg early flower and the Scorpion Diablo V2. Definitely not lacking in that department. Really all my environment is on point and that’s not my issues. It all comes down to early flowering lotus gets built up salts in the medium and the plant just goes sideways. I just had to flush my plant with 20 litres the other day because she went sideways. Anyway these two plants I got going now are going to get finished with lotus and after that I’m going in a different direction. I’m gonna try some Mr Canuck grows direction and try living soils with gaia green. His methods seem to be much easier and has great results. But yeah it’s hard to understand. Because it says to mix a gallon of mix. But out of that gallon am I supposed to feed the full gallon to a single plant in three gallon pot? That’s what’s unclear to me. Like you say you mix two gallons of feed. How many plants are you feeding with two gallons. That’s where I find the grey area. But you’re right. Growing is so much fun and it is satisfying to toke on your own product. Best feeling in the world. I’m with you on that, we’re all at different stages in our growing knowledge and it’s always good to bounce ideas and knowledge to each other. I’ll never trust a grower who claims they know everything about everything because no matter where you are in your growing journey, there’s always something new to learn whether you’ve been growing for two years or thirty years. Always room to improve. I’m with you on that. Thank you very much for the conversation, I really appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge and experiences with me. However after this run, I definitely won’t be missing Lotus nutrients. I’ll be happy to move onto greener pastures with gaia green and living soils.
@Papa_T, also recently I learned instead of using the teaspoon or table spoon to measure the nutrient per gallon. If looking at the feeding chart it'll have the weigh gram... I take grow, cal mag(1.0g all the way) or bloom(4.5g ,5.0g, 6.0g)boost and my scale and weight it out... try feed feed feed bare minimum and see how that go.. only flush at the end of 2 weeks flower/harvest. In flower I alway do 2 gallons of water... so if I'm in 1st week of flower for example. 3.5g of grow will put 7g powder int he bucket. (mixed) Cal/mag 1.8g weigh it out on my scale because of 2 gallon I am going to use 3.6g in bucket(mixed)...bloom 4.5 going to use 9gram in the bucket(mixed)... then PH6.0 to 6-4 and water the girls...
@SecretC8keSociety, I’m growing in a soilless mix and I have nothing but trouble a couple weeks into flowering with Lotus. I’ve never been able to find the sweet spot. I decided to ask you because you seem to be having success with Lotus. I’m still a fairly new grower and I’d have to say wrapping my head around nutrition is my biggest weakness.
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Dabkingweek 16
Very nice harvest. Looks great
@Dabking, Thank you , I can't wait for em in mid October for final cured.
BlackForestGrowerweek 14
Looking good 🙏
Suemchenweek 14
Looking good 👍 nice looking buds you growing 🤗
Legendaryseedthumbweek 14
Hello, nice to see your page! Good luck with everything! If you have any time to spare please come by my page I just started a new journal!!🙌🏼🥦
ao_grows1978week 16
Hell yeah. Fire genetics and great finish 😎 I saw a Mr Canucks comment...that's basically how I grow as well.
Ghrimweek 15
Amazing trich density 👍🏻👍🏻 Happy growing 🌱