What a long week, yes I’m a week late on my plant report. Keeping it super short, I got a massive gnat invasion even though my watering schedule is on the low end.
I used to water every other day about 0,5-0,7 L per plant.
To fight the gnats I went with a 5ml/L Neem oil solution ( is it a solution if the mix is heterogeneous? )
Anyway after a week of Neemoil the number gnats fell drastically.
I decided to check out this one you grew vs the exodus cheese both look Amazing! Can I ask you which one had more Cheese Taste Flavor to you? GH CHEESE vs Exodus Cheese? And did all 3 plants/phenos of the Gh Taste and look the same? Thank you I appreciate the Knowledge!🙏
Posting my Smoke review here since GD doesn't let me save it down😤
So I've learned a couple thing with this growth
First untrimmed plants had a better yield, more buds and more compact buds.
GH1 : 51g
GH2 : 38g
GH3 : 36g
Total : 125g
Taste is nice clean cheese-like, Not quite THE Cheese I'm looking for but I can't complain.
Next in line is a tent with 4 Girl Scout Cookies plants.