
El Chapo drip hydro

4 months ago
Room Type
weeks 2, 4
weeks 3-4, 6-7
weeks 4, 7
Expanded Clay
Grow medium
19 L
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 10
12 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
8+ nutrients after
Commented by
VitaMan VitaMan
5 months ago
Heat is creeping up. Expecting a heat wave. Plants are drinking furiously and need frequent top up of water. Other than heat they seem to be doing OK. Added a 30 watt Samsung led light to cover the darker side of the tent. This light did not raise temps at all.
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Grow Questions
VitaManstarted grow question 5 months ago
I will make improvements to the bucket lids. I need to know what adhesives and metals are toxic to my cannabis plants. Is dried epoxy safe? Any other recomendations?
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 5 months ago
Hello VitaMan, You want to use food grade materials. If it is safe for food then it is safe for a product that you grow for consuming like cannabis. I like to use food grade stainless steel for multiple reasons, it blocks the light, it never gets old and it is safe for your product. If you are searching for a 1 time cheap fix then I would recommend aluminium foil that you use in the kitchen. Happy Growing Buddy!
MrSour420answered grow question 5 months ago
Epoxy will leach out. Will it be toxic to your plant? It will depend on the epoxy you use. I would suggest food grade silicone sealant.
modmyplantsanswered grow question 5 months ago
once the chemical reaction is done, yes its safe. The only thing that then could happen is that your grow LEDS destroy it by time if you dont give it a solid paint. It releases the softeners from the resin, just like in cheap plastic.
VitaManstarted grow question a month ago
Time crunch. I need to get a 2 week head start before my current crop is harvested and dried. The seeds will be started 1.5" rockwool cubes under a 45w led bar and eventually transfered to hydroton under 300w. Q: Can I keep the seedlings going 2+ weeks in the starter cubes?
Kenn0rphananswered grow question a month ago
Yes. I would plan a strategy ahead of time to deal with the excess roots from the cube. Taking reasonable steps up in PPFD is preferable I think. I don’t know the distance your 45watt light will be vs the 300watt. But maybe you already have this process planned out?
Scrubbyjimbobanswered grow question a month ago
I've kept rooted clone cuttings in plugs placed in just net pots with hydroton for several weeks(like 5+) just irrigating them twice a day before transferring them to a reservoir. It will work for seedlings too. It helps if you keep your plugs in some type of tray that helps keep your roots covered and prevents them from drying out as fast. Just don't let the roots dry out....but don't soak them either lol....really just misting the roots a couple times a day is all they need. Honestly I would worry more about stretching keeping them that long under a 45w. I'd run it a little extra close.
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question a month ago
Not ideal. You really want them out of something so small. It'll start small. Small main stem, as it can't build root arms and expand. And that's what forms bigger main stems. In turn gives stronger larger plsnt base. A better Base tends to give better finish or makes it easier imo Prep is crucial I think. And 2 weeks of week stems vs 2 weeks of even starter 2l pots. Well I know which I'd pick. Also. If you're using hydro. Or soil. You want a bigger area for roots and root arms to branch out.

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VitaMancommentedweek 134 months ago
July 26th I chopped them down, sterilized the tent with Ozone cleared it before hanging everything to dry.
VitaMancommentedweek 17 months ago
They are looking pretty good. Noticeable growth every day. PPM has dropped quite a bit, so they are eating well. I had a few nirvana moments where temp/humidity were in the VPD zone, but it is fleeting.
GrowsHimselfcommentedweek 08 months ago
Good luck for your upcoming grow and congrats on the successful germination 🍀
VitaMancommented8 months ago
@GrowsHimself, Thanks. But credit goes to the nursery that cloned them 😀
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VitaMancommentedweek 135 months ago
Chop chop. All hanging to dry. Will post harvest after dry and sweat. The stems are surprisingly thin. That or the buds are heavy. They got silica calmag and all the micros...Shocking how much the net and ties were holding them up so keep that in mind if you grow this strain. Wet trimming is a chore with this one. I think it will need a manicure when they go into jars.
VitaMancommentedweek 125 months ago
The glue will be on the outside of the tophats (basket lids) to adhere cable clips for the drip lines. I am adding eye-bolts for training. I need to seal them because they are zinc coated steel. Maybe silicon is the better material for that. 😁
VitaMancommentedweek 125 months ago
Cooler day, and it's expected to be mild the coming days. This is excellent because harvest is only days away.
VitaMancommentedweek 96 months ago
4-5 weeks to go!
VitaMancommentedweek 76 months ago
Time will tell how the defoliation works. The theories make sense and I have seen many peoples good results. But I DO enjoy seeing all the flowers that would have been hidden in my previous grows. With the foliage gone, I can see where structure could have been better. Topping and/or manifolding, pruning, and more rigorous training will be needed to get the canopy where I want it. Seems that with photoperiod plants, focusing on fewer colas is best for quality and perhaps yield. Lots of things to consider for my Autumn grow.
VitaMancommentedweek 66 months ago
I have been happy with the tent temps lately, hovering around 26° during the day. Today it is 27° outside and in the tent is 30° despite turning the exhaust up. And weather will continue to get warmer. I really do need an air conditioner if I am going to get 3 grows per year.
VitaMancommentedweek 47 months ago
We had a couple of power outages due to storms. I am thinking about a UPS battery backup system for the irrigation pumps...but those are very pricy. I am bit less scared of defoliation now, so I am trying Nebula's lolipopping strategy. I hope to encourage longer denser colas. They are really vigorous and stretching. They are hungry and thirsty. The little coco plant will stay in the tiny pot just to see what it does.
VitaMancommentedweek 47 months ago
Just flipped to 12/12
VitaMancommentedweek 08 months ago
Sterilized coir to put the 4th clone in, used Mycos at root zone, a little nutes and under the lights. These little clones already stink! 😃