The C4 Matic will provide you a pretty good smoke , the taste of my phenotype is the kind that is hard to describe but easy to like so I will not try to put too much word on it : you have to try to understand 😁
The effect is clearly indica and so a deep narcotic stone is the main effect 😊 it is also a heavy body feeling , like an extra weight that slow you down.
The Grow wasn't the best part on the experience , I made a lot of mistakes so I ended up with a low yield but a Damn good quality require somec sacrifices 🤣😂 but seriously I need another try with that strain to review her full potential.
Special mention for the purple colour , it is my 1st purple strain and I must admit that it is pretty cool to roll a purple spliff , the aesthetic part is important but the most surprising effect is her ability to make my non smokers friend want to try some 😁.