Went and checked on it Monday and nothing has broken the surface yet. It was cloudy on and off so probably didn't get much sunlight. Gave the soil a good mist in case it needed any water.
Tuesday I left the plant alone in hopes something would happen.
Came back today (Wednesday) and still no sign of anything breaking the soil.
Seeds are possibly in extreme shock from being pulled from paper towel and being in a tupperware for 48 hours creating an almost mold enviroment, I'd be suprised if they are not already dead.
I ordered more seeds just in case this first attempt is a bust and have to start over.
My question is, will I have to use new soil? This soil was pretty expensive, Coast of Maine, and some Living Soil mixed in. Or can I just plant the new seeds in the same soil as the seeds that never sprouted. Will it cause issues in the future?
Who knows, maybe something will sprout by the end of the week, but at this point I doubt it.
Not giving up though.