The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Runtz F1 Zam - First Organic Cultivation

8 months ago
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/240W
Fission 300W
Light Emitting Diodes/390W
Room Type
weeks 11, 13-15
weeks 5-6, 9, 11-15
weeks 9, 11
Super Soil
Grow medium
Carolina Soil
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
0.75 L
10 months ago
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 Hello, I'm back with my cultivation. This time I will take it to organic soil with fertilization additives. I received this seed to test and journal, so here we go. I left seed 24 in water with hydrogen peroxide. Right after the root came out, I placed it in a peat pellet and planted it directly in the substrate.
Used method
Peat Pellet
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
10 months ago
5 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
75 %
26 °C
11 L
0 L
30 cm
Nutrients 6
Bokashi 1 mll
Ocean 1 mll
Fuel 1 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 - So, I created a super soil from scratch. But he ended up being infested with fungus gnats. I used biological predators in the soil along with EM5 + FPE and reflective stickers to eliminate as much fungus as possible and transplanted to a dose of 70% of this soil along with 30% Carolina Soil as cover to avoid overfert. - I ended up leaving this pot in a separate grow room with an 80w LED, about 30 cm above the ground. I didn't take photos this week because I thought the plant wouldn't thrive due to the pests. - I was just surprised because the plant responded very well and developed a lot as I will demonstrate in photos next week. - I applied FPE + EM5 practically every day in the grow room, in the pot inside and outside and on the plant's leaves. - One day I used Bokashi 1ml/L + Oceano 1ml/L, 2 days later I used Fuel 1ml/L (humic substances) Trichoderma 1g/L once a week in the soil.
Week 2. Vegetation
10 months ago
10 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
70 %
26 °C
11 L
0 L
30 cm
Nutrients 6
Bokashi 1 mll
Ocean 1 mll
Fuel 1 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 Observing that the gnat population was decreasing, and the plant was looking great, I decided to register and when the gnat population was practically zero, migrate to the main grow room with LED lights and better air circulation. 16/04 - Add 200ml EM5 1ml/L + FPE 1ml/L + Trichoderma Harzianum + Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens 1g/L 18/04 - Add 200ml Bokashi 1ml/L + Ocean 1ml/L 20/04 - Add 200 ml Fuel (humic substances) 1ml/L 22/04 - Add 200ml Bokashi 1ml/L + Ocean 1ml/L It's worth remembering that the temperature here is high and the greenhouse reaches 29°C/30°C, so switching to a larger grow room was a necessity.
Week 3. Vegetation
10 months ago
17 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
70 %
26 °C
11 L
0 L
30 cm
Nutrients 6
Bokashi 1 mll
Ocean 1 mll
Fuel 1 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 And here we are in the third week. And let's start by moving on to the main cultivation. The mosquito population has not reached zero (I don't even know if that will be possible), but it is very low and under control. Using sticky traps and FPE + EM5 as protection (and fertilizer additive too, why not?) 23/04 - Add 300ml Bokashi 1ml/L + Ocean 1ml/L 25/04 - Add 300 ml EM5 1ml/L + FPE 1ml/L + Trichoderma Harzianum + Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens 1g/L 27/04 - Add 400 ml Fuel (humic substances) 1ml/L + EM5 1ml/L + FPE 1ml/L (straight to the leaves, and around the vase and grow) 29/04 - Add 400ml Bokashi 1ml/L + Ocean 1ml/L + + FPE 1ml/L Ending another week with a healthy plant and incredible photos. Leave your comments and follow me on Instagram @thenextganjaman, I'll be back with more news and new photos soon. 👽
Week 4. Vegetation
10 months ago
17 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
No Smell
70 %
26 °C
11 L
0 L
30 cm
Nutrients 6
Bokashi 1 mll
Ocean 1 mll
Fuel 1 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 Another week starting and I'm still surprised by the evolution of the plant, every day bigger and with more branches, I hope to have a good yield here, the look and the smell is incredible. - Using a humidifier to make the air more humid here, the external temperature exceeds 33°, internal temperature between 29°C-26°C 01/05 - Add 400 ml Fuel (humic substances) 1ml/L + EM5 1ml/L + FPE 1ml/L (straight to the leaves, and around the vase and grow) 03/05 - Add 400 ml EM5 1ml/L + FPE 1ml/L + Trichoderma Harzianum + Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens 1g/L 05/05 - Add 400ml Bokashi 1ml/L + Ocean 3ml/L + EM5 1ml/L + FPE 1ml/L (straight to the leaves, and around the vase and grow) 07/05 - Add 400 ml Fuel (humic substances) 3ml/L + FPE 1ml/L (straight to the leaves, and around the vase and grow) Leave your comments and follow me on Instagram @thenextganjaman, I'll be back with more news and new photos soon. 👽
1 comment
Week 5. Vegetation
10 months ago
40 cm
18 hrs
30 °C
55 %
28 °C
11 L
0 L
30 cm
Nutrients 6
Bokashi 3 mll
Ocean 3 mll
Fuel 3 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 Hey, as you can see the plant is in pre-flora, and is starting to increase in size and smell. It's time to use the carbon filter. I will add a mineral amendment to the soil this week to bring the plant without deficiencies into this flowering. The temperature here has increased and is hitting 30°C in the morning. Humidity close to 55% 09/05 - Add 500ml Bokashi 3ml/L + Ocean 3ml/L + EM5 1ml/L + FPE 1ml/L (straight to the leaves, and around the vase and grow) 11/05 - Add 500 ml Fuel (humic substances) 3ml/L + FPE 1ml/L + (1ml/L CalMag + 0.5g/L Trichoderma straight to the leaves). - I put some seeds for a no-till in the soil. Is it too late for that? I don't know, but several have already germinated. 13/05 - Add Add 15g of organominerals around the soil, and water again. Add 750ml Bokashi 3ml/L + Ocean 3ml/L + EM5 1ml/L + FPE 1ml/L (straight to the leaves, and around the vase and grow) 15/05 - Add 750 ml Fuel (humic substances) 3ml/L + Calbor 1ml/L + Green Sensation 1ml/l + Best Shield 2m/L Leave your comments and follow me on Instagram @thenextganjaman, I'll be back with more news and new photos soon. 👽
Used techniques
Grow Questions
TheNextGanjaManstarted grow question 10 months ago
Hello, this plant is at the beginning of flowering and apparently has a magnesium deficiency, right? Can I use 100% Mag Sulfate from the pharmacy via foliar treatment? I'm using Calmag 2ml/L but it's not having any effect. I should add Dolomite Limestone to the soil this week.
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Color - Yellow
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question 10 months ago
I don't think this warrants a foliar spray. I believe Mg is one of the ones that can traverse the stomata, fwiw. 100% magnesium sulftate or epsom salt with no odors or additives is totally fine to use as a readily avaialble source of Mg and S. Many packages will even say garden safe or something to that effect (walmart equate brand does). This could be an Mg issue.. interveinal chlorosis with spots.. It takes 30-35+ days from start of the problem inside the plant before you see visible symptoms. Your plant may not quite be old enough to show such advanced symptoms of Mg. would need some sort of expectation of your unique soil's contents and ratio of what you've fed so far to help deduce what is wrong. Too many unknowns and not enough info. Could be start of a k-def, but usualy see more damage around the tips in that case. Some trace elements are possible, but that woudl more likely be nute-lockout or pH issues. in a soilless/hydro context you maintain about 75-80 ppm of Mg in the substrate .. hard to translate to a soil context, though. Strongly suggest you learn how to feed through the roots rather than relying on a foliar spray.. just gunks things up and increases risk with standing water on leaves etc (not only that, but nutrient infused water)... also, stomata are for transpiration and that's how it gets CO2. Slowing that down at all is a big negative. If something extreme is happening and you need it ASAP, that's the only time i'd even consider it. So far, never had to apply a foliar spray for nute-related issues in (knocks on wood)
Week 6. Vegetation
9 months ago
50 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
55 %
26 °C
11 L
0 L
30 cm
Nutrients 9
Bokashi 3 mll
Ocean 3 mll
Fuel 3 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 Hey, one more week, I thought the plant was having nutrient deficiency problems and I ended up increasing doses this week, including an Alga Bloom in this pre-flora phase. 18/05 - Add 1L - Alga Bloom 2ml/L + Bokashi 3ml/L + Ocean 3ml/L + Green Sensation 1ml/L + Calbor 2ml/L + Best Shield 2ml/L 20/05 - Add 700ml water - 2g/L Magnesium Sulfate 22/05 - Add 1L - 2g/L Magnesium Sulfate + 3ml/L fuel + 1ml/L Green Sensation + 3ml/L Best Shield + 1ml/L FPE + 1ml/L EM5 I ended up overdoing it here, and that resulted in problems next week... Leave your comments and follow me on Instagram @thenextganjaman, I'll be back with more news and new photos soon. 👽
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
9 months ago
55 cm
18 hrs
82 °C
55 %
79 °C
11 L
0 L
30 cm
Nutrients 9
Bokashi 3 mll
Ocean 3 mll
Fuel 3 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 This week was very complicated, I believed I was deficient in nutrients and ended up adding too much, resulting in an overfert. 24/05 - Add 1L - 1g/L Magnesium Sulfate + 2g/L trichoderma 27/05 - Add 1L - Bokashi 3ml/L + Ocean 3ml/L + Green Sensation 1ml/L + Calbor 2ml/L + Best Shield 2ml/L 29/05 - Flush (It was necessary, run off 3200 ppm 😳😳). Leave your comments and follow me on Instagram @thenextganjaman, I'll be back with more news and new photos soon. 👽
Week 8. Vegetation
9 months ago
60 cm
18 hrs
82 °C
55 %
79 °C
11 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 8
Bokashi 1 mll
Ocean 1 mll
Fuel 1 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 After many problems, comes the attempt at salvation. More controlled PH and less additives this week, let's see how it behaves. Plant apparently in pre-flowering. 01/06 - Add 1L water - PH 6.2 03/06 - Add 800ml water - PH 6.4 Add diatomaceous earth as ground cover 06/06 - Add 1L - 1ml/L Bokashi + 1 ml/L Ocean + 1ml/L FPE + 1ml/L EM5 + 1ml/L Power Buds 07/07 - Pruning some lower branches Leave your comments and follow me on Instagram @thenextganjaman, I'll be back with more news and new photos soon. 👽
Week 9. Flowering
9 months ago
70 cm
18 hrs
82 °C
280 PPM
55 %
79 °C
11 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 8
Bokashi 1 mll
Ocean 1 mll
Fuel 1 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 Another week in search of the plant's recovery, apparently it is heading towards a very good improvement. Reducing the doses a little and adjusting some. I must add a probiotic to the soil to strengthen and eliminate the remaining mosquitoes. Controlled PH and PPM remain low. 08/06 - Add 1.5L - 1ml/L Fuel (humic substances) 1ml/L Power Buds + 1ml/L Green Sensation + 1ml/L CalBor Mag - PH 6.4 11/6 - Add 1.2L - 1ml/L Power Buds + 1ml/L Green Sensation - PH 6.3 13/06 - Add 1.5L Water with LMX 1ml/L - PH 6.5. 280 ppm Leave your comments and follow me on Instagram @thenextganjaman, I'll be back with more news and new photos soon. 👽
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
8 months ago
73 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
450 PPM
60 %
22 °C
24 °C
11 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 8
Bokashi 1 mll
Ocean 1 mll
Fuel 1 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 15/06 - Add 1.5L - 1ml/L Sugar Royal + 1ml/L Green Sensation + 1ml/L CalBor Mag + 1ml/L Power Buds - PH 6.6 - 480ppm 17/06 - Add 1.5L - 1ml/L Fuel (humic substances) + 1ml/L Sugar Royal + 1ml/L Green Sensation + 1ml/L CalBor Mag +1ml/l Best Shield + 1ml/L Power Buds - PH 6.4 1030 ppm 18/06 - Change to 12/12 19/06 - Add 1.5L - 1ml/l Bokashi + 1ml/l Ocean + 1ml/L Sugar Royal + 1ml/L Green Sensation + 1ml/l Best Shield + 1ml/L Power Buds PH 6.5 526ppm 21/06 - Add 2L - 1ml/L Sugar Royal + 1ml/L Green Sensation + 1ml/L Power Buds PH 6.5 340 ppm Leave your comments and follow me on Instagram @thenextganjaman, I'll be back with more news and new photos soon. 👽
Week 11. Flowering
8 months ago
80 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
480 PPM
60 %
24 °C
11 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 6
Calbor Mag 1 mll
LMX 1 mll
Power Buds - PLAGRON.
Power Buds 1 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 24/06 - Add 2L - 1ml/L Sugar Royal + 1ml/L Green Sensation + 1ml/L Power Buds + 1ml/l Best Shield + 1ml/l LMX PH 6.4 384 ppm 26/06 - Add 2L - 1ml/L Sugar Royal + 1ml/L Green Sensation + 1ml/L Power Buds + 1ml/L Calbor Mag PH 6.3 177 ppm 28/06 - Add 2L - 1ml/L Sugar Royal + 1ml/L Green Sensation + 1ml/L Power Buds + 1ml/l LMX PH 6.5 400 ppm - Scrog Start 30/06 - Add 2L - 1ml/L Sugar Royal + 1ml/L Green Sensation + 1ml/L Power Buds + 1.5ml/L Calbor Mag PH 6.5 811 ppm Leave your comments and follow me on Instagram @thenextganjaman, I'll be back with more news and new photos soon. 👽
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
8 months ago
89 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
480 PPM
60 %
21 °C
22 °C
11 L
1 L
30 cm
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 03/07 - Add 1.5L water PH 6.4 05/07 - Add 1.5L - Aloe Vera + 1g/l Agricultural gypsum PH 6.5 Leave your comments and follow me on Instagram @thenextganjaman, I'll be back with more news and new photos soon. 👽
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Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
8 months ago
89 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
480 PPM
60 %
21 °C
21 °C
11 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 2
Calbor Mag 1.5 mll
Power Buds - PLAGRON.
Power Buds 1 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 08/07 - Add 1.5L - 1.5ml/L Calbor Mag + 1ml/L Power Buds PH 6.4 578 ppm 11/07 - Add 1.5L water PH 6.5 14/07 - Add 1.5L water PH 6.4 - I took the opportunity to make an organic soil cover to take until the end. Leave your comments and follow me on Instagram @thenextganjaman, I'll be back with more news and new photos soon. 👽
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1 comment
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
8 months ago
89 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
480 PPM
60 %
21 °C
21 °C
11 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 2
Ocean 1 mll
Bokashi 1 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 16/07 - Add 1.5L water PH 6.5 18/07 - Add 1.5L water PH 6.5 20/07 - Add 1.5L- 1ml/l Ocean +1ml/l Bokashi PH 6.4 237 ppm 22/07 - Add 12L water to try to remove excess from the soil. PH 6.5 Leave your comments and follow me on Instagram @thenextganjaman, I'll be back with more news and new photos soon. 👽
Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
8 months ago
89 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
480 PPM
60 %
21 °C
21 °C
11 L
1 L
30 cm
Nutrients 3
Calbor Mag 1 mll
Green Sensation - PLAGRON.
Green Sensation 0.5 mll
Power Buds - PLAGRON.
Power Buds 0.5 mll
Follow-me on instagram @thenextganjaman, and follow this diary. Let's go on this journey together. 👽 24/07 - 0.5ml/L Green Sensation + 0.5ml/L Power Buds + 1ml/L Calbor Mag PH 6.4 345 ppm - Last watering with additives, I must harvest soon, some trichomes are already amber, so another week, maximum two and I cut. Leave your comments and follow me on Instagram @thenextganjaman, I'll be back with more news and new photos soon. 👽
Used techniques


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Patricia_Zamnesiacommentedweek 410 months ago
Looking good!! Happy growing 🌱💙!
TheNextGanjaMancommented10 months ago
@Patricia_Zamnesia, Thaaaaaaaaaaks!! 👽
TheNextGanjaMancommentedweek 138 months ago
I covered it with more organic soil and minerals, I must do a small flush to remove possible excesses and use only water until the end of the cycle.
TheNextGanjaMancommentedweek 118 months ago
I should now take this plant with just Green and Power Buds until the end of the cycle, adding more things only if it is very necessary.
TheNextGanjaMancommentedweek 510 months ago
Add 15g of organominerals around the soil. 👽 I hope to correct some deficiencies. 😾
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