The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

pineapple bad soil experiment

6 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
18 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
6 years ago
1 cm
12 hrs
32 °C
No Smell
30 %
28 °C
28 °C
20 °C
18 L
0 L
Nutrients 1
Deeper Underground - Top Crop
Deeper Underground 2 mll
I wanted to grow a pineapple express from fast buds, I put 2 seeds in water in case that one doesen´t live, good thing the 2 of them lived (nice one fastbuds bank), I just wanted to grow one so I decided to do an experiment, this one its going to be on a pot which soil is very poor because its the soil that I used in my last growing, anyways im going to use my topcrop nutrients (dont want to waste a seed xD), wish luck to this little girl. Quería cultivar una pineapple express de fast buds, puse 2 semillas en agua en caso de que uno no viviera, bueno, las 2 de ellas vivieron (bien ahí Fastbuds), solo quería cultivar uno, así que decidí hacer un experimento, este va a estar en una maceta cuyo suelo es muy pobre porque es el suelo que utilicé en mi último cultivo, de todos modos voy a usar mis nutrientes de topcrop (no quiero desperdiciar una semilla xD), deseenle suerte a esta niña
1 comment
Week 2. Vegetation
6 years ago
2 cm
12 hrs
38 °C
No Smell
30 %
28 °C
28 °C
20 °C
12 L
0 L
Nutrients 1
Deeper Underground - Top Crop
Deeper Underground 2 mll
ENG: This week the heat was unbearable and even if we are not in summer, I hope that the plants will withstand the extreme heat of a desert area like this, apparently shading them with a piece of cardboard was a good solution, the plant grows without hurry and without pause, let's go little you can. ESP: Esta semana el calor fue insoportable y eso que ni siquiera estamos en verano, espero que las plantas soporten bien los calores extremos de una zona desértica como esta, al parecer el darles sombra con un pedazo de cartón fue una buena solución, la planta crece sin prisa y sin pausa, vamos pequeñita tu puedes.
1 comment
Week 3. Vegetation
6 years ago
6 cm
12 hrs
38 °C
No Smell
30 %
28 °C
28 °C
20 °C
12 L
1 L
Nutrients 3
Deeper Underground - Top Crop
Deeper Underground 2 mll
Top Bloom - Top Crop
Top Bloom 2 mll
Green Explosion - Top Crop
Green Explosion 2 mll
ENG: today(dec,2nd,2018) my dog killed the other plant and this experiment became my center plant, not a good day... ESP: hoy (2 de diciembre de 2018) mi perra mató a la otra planta y este experimento se convirtió en mi planta central, no fue un buen día ...
Week 4. Vegetation
6 years ago
12 cm
13 hrs
38 °C
30 %
28 °C
28 °C
20 °C
12 L
2 L
Nutrients 5
Deeper Underground - Top Crop
Deeper Underground 1 mll
Top Bloom - Top Crop
Top Bloom 2 mll
Green Explosion - Top Crop
Green Explosion 2 mll
-ENG: In the way I see the plants, I'm going to need to use deeper underground for a while longer because when my dog ​​ate the plant in my other diary I realized that the roots were still very small, so this week and the next I will use deeper underground along with green explosion, top bloom and top veg. -shit I'm in trouble, I found a swarm of white flies in the bottom of the leaves, today in the night (December 8, 2018) use "barrier" top crop -midnight update: already spray "barrier" in the plant, now let's wait to see the results. -good to start by saying that I was surprised how effective it was "barrier top crop", I like their products and good effects reaffirm their quality, the white flies are no longer and the plant grew almost 4cm in a week ------------------O-----------------------O-----------------------O-------------------------O---------------------- -ESP: En la manera en la que veo las plantas, voy a necesitar usar deeper underground por un tiempo mas ya que cuando mi perra se comió a la planta de mi otro diario me di cuenta de que las raíces estaban aun muy pequeñas, entonces por esta semana y la siguiente voy a usar deeper underground junto con green explosion, top bloom y top veg. -mierda estoy en problemas, encontré un enjambre de moscas blancas en la en la parte inferior de las hojas, hoy en la noche(8 de diciembre 2018) usare barrier de top crop. -actualización de medianoche: ya rocie "barrier" en la planta, ahora esperemos a ver los resultados. -bueno empezar por decir que me sorprendio lo efectivo que fue "barrier de top crop", me gustan sus productos y con buenos efectos reafirman su calidad , las moscas blancas ya no estan y la planta crecio casi 4cm en una semana
Week 5. Vegetation
6 years ago
29 cm
13 hrs
30 °C
30 %
28 °C
28 °C
20 °C
12 L
2 L
Nutrients 4
Top Bloom - Top Crop
Top Bloom 3 mll
Green Explosion - Top Crop
Green Explosion 1 mll
Top Veg - Top Crop
Top Veg 2 mll
ENG: This week I was very busy with the university so I did not take many pictures, sorry: C --------O--------O--------O--------O--------O--------O--------O--------O--------O------ ESP: esta semana estuve muy ocupado con la universidad así que no tome muchas fotos, perdón :C
Week 6. Vegetation
6 years ago
29 cm
14 hrs
32 °C
30 %
28 °C
28 °C
20 °C
12 L
1 L
Nutrients 5
Top Bloom - Top Crop
Top Bloom 3 mll
Green Explosion - Top Crop
Green Explosion 2 mll
Top Veg - Top Crop
Top Veg 4 mll
ENG: wow I did not even realize the moment when the plant grew so much, it's also true that the university does not leave me much time but I'm really surprised with the size of this automatic, I added a bit of barrier because I noticed some damage in the leaves and I thought it could be the cause of an insect, seeing how big it is I can not help but imagine how the pineapple express that my dog ​​ate would have been. ---------------------------O-----------------------------------O-------------------------------------O---------------- ESP: wow ni siquiera me di cuenta del momento en que creció tanto la planta, es verdad también que la universidad no me deja mucho tiempo pero de verdad que estoy sorprendido con el tamaño de esta automática, añadí un poco de barrier ya que note algunos daños en las hojas y pensé que podría ser causa de algún insecto, al ver lo grande que está no puedo dejar de imaginarme como habría estado la pineapple express que se comió mi perra.
Week 7. Vegetation
6 years ago
29 cm
14 hrs
36 °C
30 %
28 °C
28 °C
20 °C
12 L
1 L
Nutrients 4
Top Bloom - Top Crop
Top Bloom 3 mll
Green Explosion - Top Crop
Green Explosion 2 mll
Top Veg - Top Crop
Top Veg 4 mll
ENG: Well, I'm adding this week a week later hehe, Christmas and New Year I spent the count and do not take many pictures except for a small green visitor who was eating my plant, I hope that with that stop the deterioration of it . Anyway, week 8 will be where flowering will begin. ----------------------O----------------------O----------------------O----------------------O-------- ESP: bueno, estoy agregando esta semana una semana mas tarde jeje, navidad y año nuevo me pasaron la cuenta y no tome muchas fotos excepto la de un pequeño visitante verde que se estaba comiendo mi planta, espero que con eso se detenga el deterioro de la misma. de cualquier modo la semana 8 sera donde empezará la floración.
Week 8. Flowering
6 years ago
40 cm
14 hrs
36 °C
30 %
28 °C
28 °C
20 °C
12 L
1 L
Nutrients 5
Top Bloom - Top Crop
Top Bloom 3 mll
Green Explosion - Top Crop
Green Explosion 2 mll
Top Veg - Top Crop
Top Veg 4 mll
ENG: Well honestly I'm uploading these pictures on January 22 but it's because the last three weeks I was very busy in college, I know those are the nutrients that I use to be guided by a crop chart of top crop ----------------O-------------------------O---------------------------O------------------------O--------------- ESP: bueno sinceramente estoy subiendo estas fotografías el 22 de enero pero es por que las ultimas tres semanas estuve muy ocupado en la universidad, se que esos son los nutrientes que use por que me guié por una tabla de cultivo de top crop
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Week 9. Flowering
6 years ago
42 cm
14 hrs
36 °C
30 %
28 °C
28 °C
20 °C
12 L
1 L
Nutrients 2
Top Bloom - Top Crop
Top Bloom 3 mll
Top Candy - Top Crop
Top Candy 2 mll
ENG: well as in the previous week, week 9 I was very busy with the topics of the university since it was the end of semester so I'm uploading the pictures today January 22. ----------------O-------------------O-------------------------O----------------------------O------------------ ESP: bueno como en la swemana antererior, esa semana estuve muy ocupado con los temas de la universidad ya que era fin de semestre asi que las fotografias las estoy subiendo hoy 22 de enero.
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HighTVcommentedweek 56 years ago
100f 😯 Its so hot on the little one!
Markosxcommented6 years ago
@HighTV, I usually just change the nutrients and height, Anyway the days have been more temperate lately, thanks for making me notice the temperature, I will change it now, thanks bro
HighTVcommented6 years ago
@@Markosx, Oh I see! There are some strains you can choose from that are known to take higher temperatures namely ones with ruderalis genetics! Idk about 100f but if anything can handle it those can!
Markosxcommented6 years ago
@HighTV, I live in a desert area and the heat of the day is horrible, maybe that's why the leaves are burning a little 😩
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 36 years ago
I feel with you dog LOOOOVE weed. I dont care if they eat pieces of the big plants, but eating a seedling is not funny. My Bigboy did it too and when i saw his face after eating i think he enjoyed the soft lil lady
Markosxcommented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, it's not the first time she does it, the other time she killed a raspberry seedling that I had, that was worse than this 😭
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 46 years ago
you can use Nematodes (predators) to kill the larvae of the flies. you mix it with water and they eat the larvaes. And neemoilsolution for the living ones. Mix neemoil 2 ml with dishwashingsoap ( a litle) into watersprayer filled with water. shake well and spray
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 46 years ago
i seperated my garden^^.... one part for the Dogs one part for the plants i want to eat... my weed is in the dogpart... normally i gate the "girls" when they are young... but sometimes i forget.. and yummy one seed less
GhettoGrowShowcommentedweek 36 years ago
Yo man your grow is very similar to mine. Will be following. Best of luck
Dahoolacommentedweek 26 years ago
good luck with your grow! i'll follow along
Fast_Budscommentedweek 16 years ago
Thanks for choosing our Pineapple Express! Best of luck with the grow. Enjoy growing faster! 😀
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