-ENG: In the way I see the plants, I'm going to need to use deeper underground for a while longer because when my dog ate the plant in my other diary I realized that the roots were still very small, so this week and the next I will use deeper underground along with green explosion, top bloom and top veg.
-shit I'm in trouble, I found a swarm of white flies in the bottom of the leaves, today in the night (December 8, 2018) use "barrier" top crop
-midnight update: already spray "barrier" in the plant, now let's wait to see the results.
-good to start by saying that I was surprised how effective it was "barrier top crop", I like their products and good effects reaffirm their quality, the white flies are no longer and the plant grew almost 4cm in a week
-ESP: En la manera en la que veo las plantas, voy a necesitar usar deeper underground por un tiempo mas ya que cuando mi perra se comió a la planta de mi otro diario me di cuenta de que las raíces estaban aun muy pequeñas, entonces por esta semana y la siguiente voy a usar deeper underground junto con green explosion, top bloom y top veg.
-mierda estoy en problemas, encontré un enjambre de moscas blancas en la en la parte inferior de las hojas, hoy en la noche(8 de diciembre 2018) usare barrier de top crop.
-actualización de medianoche: ya rocie "barrier" en la planta, ahora esperemos a ver los resultados.
-bueno empezar por decir que me sorprendio lo efectivo que fue "barrier de top crop", me gustan sus productos y con buenos efectos reafirman su calidad , las moscas blancas ya no estan y la planta crecio casi 4cm en una semana
@HighTV, I usually just change the nutrients and height, Anyway the days have been more temperate lately, thanks for making me notice the temperature, I will change it now, thanks bro
@@Markosx, Oh I see! There are some strains you can choose from that are known to take higher temperatures namely ones with ruderalis genetics! Idk about 100f but if anything can handle it those can!
I feel with you dog LOOOOVE weed. I dont care if they eat pieces of the big plants, but eating a seedling is not funny. My Bigboy did it too and when i saw his face after eating i think he enjoyed the soft lil lady
you can use Nematodes (predators) to kill the larvae of the flies. you mix it with water and they eat the larvaes. And neemoilsolution for the living ones. Mix neemoil 2 ml with dishwashingsoap ( a litle) into watersprayer filled with water. shake well and spray
i seperated my garden^^.... one part for the Dogs one part for the plants i want to eat... my weed is in the dogpart... normally i gate the "girls" when they are young... but sometimes i forget.. and yummy one seed less