CrazyDiamondcommentedweek 26 years ago
@Curtain_Glow, its all right when you dealing with fresh stock seeds and stable genetics. But when you've got bad seeds its got rotten no matter what you do. I've tryed every germination methods: 24 howers presoak in water, than plant them in Jiffy7; put them in plastic box with papper towel, plant them staight in the soil... Nothing seamed to help much. The only thing i didn't try is to presoak them in tap water, couse its full of chlorine, fluoride and other shit. But may be chlorine and fluoride its good for seedlings becouse it kills any bacteria?... Next round i will try that, but allso i will buy some germination solution, something like CannaStart or Plagron SeedBooster or BAC Xseeds.