Auto Opium is doing great and is loving the warm, sunny weekend we are having right now 👍
She is smellls like skunky berries 😎 👌
would be fun if she 'defeats' Northern lights in her yield, but its hard to tell (but it seems she is trying!👊)
i havent topped her so she looks totally diffrent 😁
Does not even matter.. bc Auto Opium is real medicinal :" A great painkiller and sedative agent, Auto Opium can be prescribed against chronic pains, nausea and appetite loss, headaches, muscle spasms and cramps, seizures, panic attacks and hysteria"(source:
So i think she can support me real good in handling MS attacks and chronic pain.. so im just happy and gratefull with what she will give me 😇👊
happy growing for all✊
I know what you mean about telling people you're smoking opium! 😂 I've been thinking the same thing, I have some hanging to dry right now and can't wait to smoke opium with some friends! 😉👊
@Sour_D, ..AND when summer ends, and ppl (the normies..) ask you how your summer went.. u say with a straight face..
"nothing much.. just smoked a lot of Opium😸" gheheh😂