Will take pics with Fluorescent lighting going forward.
12/27 - 4 days after Main-Lining, I'm seeing very small progress. Decided to release the Mains as they still haven't fully turned up to face the light. I believe this comes down to a couple of factors: 1) the Pyth! 2) Not waiting an additional day or 2 for the mains to grow out before tying down. I also decided to do a flush on my last nute change using Flora Shield & FloraKleen, as well as physically clean the Pyth off the roots with pressurized filter water.
12/29 - At my wits end with the Pyth. Stumbled upon this post in the past, but have decided to finally give it a go: https://www.rollitup.org/t/dwc-root-slime-cure-aka-how-to-breed-beneficial-microbes.361430/
This is only a preventative measure since I'm growing in DWC with Synthetic Nutes; really shines in a Soil/Soiless grow with Organics. Would be great to try this in a coco mix some day.
Made a trip down the local hydro store and picked up EWC (and a bunch of other goodies, including a commercial grade air pump!, hydro equipment, Mother's Molassas, Air Stones & fresh Lines). Found Hygroguard from Holland Industry online, and Myco-Grow from Blue Sky Organics :) Will be brewing a batch as soon as Hydroguard gets in.
12/30 - BROKE A STEM :( Tried doing some LST and broke one of the mains. Quickly patched up with electrical tape and prayed to the Ganja Gods! Giving cloning a try for the first time as well. Didn't want the precious cuttings to go to waste this time. Seems fun!
1/5 - The Broken branch appears to have miraculously healed itself :D (see pics) Truly magical. Growth on that side is evidently slowed but it's growing (no complaints!) so I'll be doing some light LST on the other side to maintain an even canopy + added 20g weights to each end!
Did a nute change today at 1/2 strength (repeating Week 3 of GH Flora Series Simple minus Floralicious Plus). HydroGuard has finally arrived, but won't have time to start brewing until tomorrow.
@HighTV, you said it, Bud! Such is Life. And by the looks of it, I'm hoping that's the case. Initial thoughts were, "Damn. This is waay too much stress early on. Hoping it doesn't go herm on me.." Guess we'll have to wait and see 😄
@bobtheblob, She stretched a hell of a lot more in flower than I was expecting. Thank you! I'm a proud parent to say the least 😁 She smells very sweet now!
Thanks for the link! I wonder if I had similar bacterial stuff or just screwed the solution/conditions when I had roots dying and turning brown.
Cool little weights you have btw! :-)
@bobtheblob, You're welcome! It's pretty common in DWC environments, and from what I've read, it has to do with light leaks, res temps being too high (+72F), and insufficient Dissolved Oxygen. Call me crazy, but I've also wondered about my nutes being contaminated, and poor water source.
Thanks! They're called Calibration Weights, for my digital scale, and I picked em up from Amazon as a lightning deal :)