Happy Long Weekend!!! Thank the Gods 😄
She's in full bloom! Gorgeous bud sites are filling out nicely. As usual, I underestimated the flowering stretch, and one of the middle colas grew right into the light, causing some leaf burn and slight damage to the tip of the cola. Thankfully, I had a 1-foot extension kit, and got that installed in the tent earlier today. I should be good on space now 'til Harvest 👍 Drinking about a gal a day!
I've been pretty pleased with my new grow light thus far, the Phlizon 900w, in case anyone is on the fence. My previous light was a Mars II Hydro 400w (almost ~5 years old, half the LEDs burnt out by the 4th year) You get what you pay for!
Removed the Humidifier to lower RH to a range of 45-50%, as well as dropped temps in the room by a few degrees (leaving a window cracked open. gotta love winter for that all-natural AC!)
Nutes: GH Flora Series 3-Part "Simple Drain-to-Waste" Schedule | Week 7 - Early Bloom minus FloraLicious Plus and RapidStart
Can't think of anything else. Thanks for tuning in. 'Til next week! Cheers, and stay blessed! Peace 🙏
@HighTV, you said it, Bud! Such is Life. And by the looks of it, I'm hoping that's the case. Initial thoughts were, "Damn. This is waay too much stress early on. Hoping it doesn't go herm on me.." Guess we'll have to wait and see 😄
@bobtheblob, She stretched a hell of a lot more in flower than I was expecting. Thank you! I'm a proud parent to say the least 😁 She smells very sweet now!
Thanks for the link! I wonder if I had similar bacterial stuff or just screwed the solution/conditions when I had roots dying and turning brown.
Cool little weights you have btw! :-)
@bobtheblob, You're welcome! It's pretty common in DWC environments, and from what I've read, it has to do with light leaks, res temps being too high (+72F), and insufficient Dissolved Oxygen. Call me crazy, but I've also wondered about my nutes being contaminated, and poor water source.
Thanks! They're called Calibration Weights, for my digital scale, and I picked em up from Amazon as a lightning deal :)