- Transplanted yesterday to 5 gallon fabric pots, Natures Living Soil on bottom third. Roots looked good, just starting to wrap the bottom of the solo cup. Added Dynomyco to holes prior to planting
- Plants showing signs of distress like Nitrogen deficiency of some sort, odd with new soil... will continue to monitor and see if it corrects post-transplant
- Watered 1/4 gal per, with 1ml/gal calmag, 1ml/gal FloraMicro, and BTI at recommended dosage for gnats
- Refilled humidifier
- Removed supports as stems have thickened up
- Suspect lower leaves are hitting a phosphorous deficiency actually... considering a top dress of NLS as this Happy Frog bag gave me trouble last grow as well, think it was just a bad / old bag and hoping that once the roots hit the bottom third it'll perk up
- Not seeing as many gnats now, hoping the BTI helped. Will repeat in a week or so just in case, and begin putting diatomaceous earth after next watering
- Watered 3 cups each, with 1.5 ml CALMAG, 2 ml Floramicro, 1.5 ml Floragrow, 1.5 ml Florabloom, 6.3 pH
- Plants still showing what looks like phosphorous deficiency, but new growth seems better so far, will consider a top dress of NLS this weekend when watering if plants respond well to liquid nutrients
- Gnats still seem under control, continue to monitor and continue BTI treatment once a week for next two weeks, diatomaceous earth after Sunday's watering
- Plants have bounced back and greened up significantly
- Proceed with organic top dress on Sunday watering
@cjfarmer, At level 9/14 inches from canopy I was hitting about 850 center and 650 or so at the center of the side plants. At 10/14 I am hitting closer to 1050/850 now in the last weeks of flower.
1 gallon per plant plant per 24hrs? Is that correct? That seems like a lot. ease back on watering until the bugs buzz off. Bare minimum. feed the plant not the bugs.
LOL, no, I'm watering 1 gallon / plant every 4 days or so. Probably less actually as I'm doing one heavy watering on Sundays, and a lighter watering mid-week. I just didn't want to do the math for the measurement per day. 😁
Corrected to be more accurate. at .33 gal a day.