
German first legal Grow

3 months ago
critical lemon kush Taima
Room Type
weeks 1-5, 11
weeks 1-5
weeks 11
weeks 1-5, 11
weeks 1-5, 11
Grow medium
Germination Method
Directly In Substrate
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 20%
OG Kush
Avg. success
Dinafem - 90%
OG Kush - 84%
Pulp Friction
Avg. success
Green House Seed Co. - 91%
Pulp Friction - 95%
Cookies Haze
Avg. success
Kannabia Seed Company - 90%
Cookies Haze - 88%
Eleven Roses
Avg. success
Delicious Seeds - 90%
Eleven Roses - 89%
critical lemon kush Taima
Avg. success
Custom Breeder & Strain - 89%
critical lemon kush Taima - %
Commented by
HanfConnoisseur HanfConnoisseur
4 months ago
Week 1: Germination Success Welcome to the first weekly update of our cannabis cultivation journey in Germany! This week, we focused on the crucial stage of germination. I’m excited to report that all our selected strains—Pulp Friction, Cookies Haze, Eleven Roses, Poddy Mouth, Critical Lemon Kush, and OG Kush—have successfully germinated. Strain Overview: - Pulp Friction: Known for its fruity aroma and high THC content. - Cookies Haze: Famous for its sweet taste and uplifting effects. - Eleven Roses: A robust strain with a strong resistance to pests and diseases. - Poddy Mouth: Noted for its unique flavor and balanced high. - Critical Lemon Kush: Combines the best of Critical and Lemon Kush, providing a potent and citrusy experience. - OG Kush: A classic strain renowned for its relaxing effects and earthy flavors. Germination Process: 1. Seed Selection: - Chose high-quality seeds from reputable sources to ensure strong genetics. 2. Soaking Seeds: - Placed seeds in a glass of room-temperature water for 12-24 hours until they sank to the bottom, indicating they were ready to germinate. 3. Paper Towel Method: - Transferred the seeds to a damp paper towel, folded it, and placed it inside a plastic container with a lid to maintain moisture. - Kept the container in a warm, dark place (around 21-24 degrees Celsius) to encourage sprouting. 4. Monitoring: - Checked the seeds daily to ensure the paper towel remained moist. - Within 2-5 days, all seeds developed taproots, signaling successful germination. Key Observations: - Pulp Friction and Cookies Haze were the quickest to germinate, showing taproots within 48 hours. - Eleven Roses and OG Kush followed closely, demonstrating robust growth from the start. - Poddy Mouth and Critical Lemon Kush took slightly longer but eventually sprouted healthy taproots. Next Steps: - Carefully transplanted the germinated seeds into small pots with pre-moistened soil, ensuring the taproots were facing downwards. - Positioned the pots under gentle grow lights, maintaining a light cycle of 18 hours on and 6 hours off to encourage vegetative growth. - Kept the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged, and monitored temperature and humidity levels to ensure optimal conditions. Stay tuned for next week’s update where we’ll discuss the early vegetative stage, including the first signs of growth and the initial care routine. Feel free to ask any questions or share your own experiences in the comments below!
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RasendeRollo92week 11
Die sehen wirklich ausgesprochen gut aus ! Wann wirst du Köpfen ? 👊🌱
@RasendeRollo92, Die letzte in ein paar Tagen. Denke Donnerstag
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MunichGrasfabrikweek 8
Toller Grow, Alter.
Inganjawetrustweek 10
Lovely bunch of ladies you have there , nice work. ✌️😎💨
RasendeRollo92week 9
Sehr geil! Dafür definitiv ein like, und ein Daumen 👍 Weiterhin viel Erfolg !
resi_maxweek 0
Good luck and happy growing! 😁
@resi_max, thanks but you think your Haze cookies is ready after 60 days? 😁But looks nice and very big. Good work.
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Kannabiaweek 9
Thank you for including our Cookies Haze in your first legal grow 🤗. At Kannabia, we are very proud of this and we wish you the best results for your ladies 🌿🌿🌿😉.
@Kannabia, thanks and thanks for your good work. Looks like a very Hot and big Lady.
Kannabiaweek 11
Congratulations on your Cookies Haze; you've truly grown a spectacular plant! 🤩 From Kannabia, we hope its smoke is just as spectacular, providing you with unforgettable moments 😉🧡.