
Purple Star Killer / Dosidos / Cement Shoes

5 days ago
Cement Shoes
Room Type
weeks 1-14
weeks 1-14
weeks 1-14
weeks 1-14
Pro-Mix HP
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 3
18 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
9+ conditions after
4+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
connormcleod47 connormcleod47
3 months ago
***UPDATE 07/07/24*** Fed each plant 1L of distilled tap water this morning with nutrient mixture listed above, Cement Shoes got roughly 600ml of water PH of 6.1 Think It's time to start watering more & will be grabbing a 8L garden sprayer so I can give each plant an evenly distributed 2L of water, should saturate entire medium, there might be a bit of salt buildup nute wise from not watering to the point of a decent runoff, aside from a bit of tacoing due to heat, the Purple Star Killer is the only plant showing signs of minor distress & am almost certain that would be the reason why! ***UPDATE 07/09/24*** Defoliated the Purple Star Killer last night & broke a branch trying to LST a bit too early... Plant is looking pretty rough but I think it should recover in time... Worst case scenario will top to 32 before 3rd node & cut what wont fit since this plant is ahead of the other ones... The break was about 3/4 of the way through but leaves are still green, has been roughly 19 hrs since the break... Did grab one of those electric garden sprayers so I can start giving the plants more water starting tomorrow, am hoping that will flush any excess salts out the bottom, was thinking I would do the regular water tomorrow & a very light nute mix the next time just to ensure inert medium has a little bit of something in there where water has not reached thus far, grow ties also don't hold very well in dry airy medium! Need to figure out ambient temp! Has been hot the past couple days, tent was almost at 32c throughout the day today! Am gonna let these new branches stretch a bit before more LST ***UPDATE 07/10/24*** Gave each plant 2L of distilled tap water mixed with 1ml/L calmag PH 6.2, all 4 have responded well to more water! 2L isn't enough for runoff... Am gonna grab a couple 5 gal buckets from Canadian Tire so I can try 4L each plant next watering Do recommend one of those electric garden sprayers to water with, thing is dope! Got mine for CAD on Amazon! The Purple Star Killer still has an abundance of Nitrogen in the soil but does seem to be doing better, 1st time this one has prayed since I started it, broken branch seems to be growing despite the break as well! Temps were in between 25c & 27c throughout the day today 60% RH ***UPDATE 07/11/24*** Removed some of the lower leaves & LST for both the Dosidos today, will be doing the same thing with the Purple Star Killer & Cement Shoes in 2-3 days after they stretch a bit, broken branch on the Purple Star Killer is still continuing to grow am gonna try & anchor from main branch when it's time for more LST! Dosidos #1 is starting to show a fair bit of color! All the lower leaves I removed had purple stems, am really looking forward to that one! Think it's going to be a very resinous & colorful plant! Grabbed a couple 5 gal buckets from Canadian Tire & have water distilling for next feed, torn between a light feed or just plain distilled tap water & some calmag ***UPDATE 07/12/24*** The UIS power adapter from AC INFINITY arrived today! The Controller 69 PRO does work with my light but doesn't allow me to work inbetween the 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% despite Aglex telling me it would... The Controller 69 PRO lets me run this light at 0% & what I assume would be 50% 75% & 100% & I set up a 18/6 automation at 75% for now Each plant is now recieving 530 uMOL & they have responded extremely well to the bump in light intensity! Currently have my light hanging 32" above the canopy. Somewhat cool in the house today & temps are high in the tent 30c - 31c at 750w... This light has a 4 clip hanging kit that attaches to two rope rachets, light is foldable & I wouldnt recommend lowering the light with plants in the tent! I went to do this during week 1 veg & the one end just dropped while the light slammed shut! What I will do tomorrow is take the plants out of the tent for a bit, hang the light with 4 rope rachets & lower it at 50% to where I get roughly 500 - 600 uMOL, this will also give me an extra 16" or so of headroom if I eliminate the hanging kit & to run at 50% will lower temps in the tent as well! Was gonna return the Controller 69 PRO since I cant dim inbetween set incriments but probe seems to be much more accurate in comparison to my hygrometer & exhaust probe, I also get temp, humidity & VPD charts with this device! Plan on slowly integrating into the AC INFINITY ecosystem over the next year or two & will probably grab one of their lights once this current one is finished! ***UPDATE 07/13/24*** Fed each plant 4L of distilled tap water this morning with nutrient mixture listed above, PH of 6.1 4L per plant isn't enough water for runoff either but they seem to have responded well to the extra water although I may flush the Purple Star Killer Next Watering! Looks pretty bad in photo am almost 100% sure its nitrogen toxicity I'm dealing with or I have underwatered All four plants were droopy for a couple hours after feeding, the pressure from the garden sprayer/agitating the roots is what I think causes this Hit the sweet spot inside the tent today! Took plants out of the tent & rehung the light with 4 rope ratchets Noticed at 50% power there is a 100 uMOL difference between the physical dial on my light & the Controller 69 PRO when it is hung 8" above the canopy! I decided to continue using the Controller 69 PRO & assume it is currently running at less than 500W on max level 1 Started at 8" above the canopy & Photone was saying 530 uMOL which is what I had them at yesterday when i was running max level 2 32" above the canopy (can only go to max level 3) After letting the plants sit for a bit I noticed the leaves were starting to taco more from the light intensity I raised the light up to 16" from the canopy & Photone says 460 umol which seems to work well! On a day like today temps & humidity would be a consistent 30c to 31.5c & 55% to 70% RH at 500W 32" above the canopy After adjustments I sat at a fairly consistent 26.5c throughout the day, a high of 28.1c & a consistent 60% RH! Not 100% sure how accurate Photone is measuring light intensity but it does give me the same numbers throughout the entire day on whatever day whenever I check, might grab a PAR meter before flower to ensure accuracy & compare the two Also tried a new app called "Light Meter" & converted a LUX measurement to uMOL & it gave me 441 uMOL
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resi_maxweek 0
Good luck and happy growing! ๐Ÿ˜
@resi_max, Thank ya thank ya! Checked out your Mimosa Cherry Kush very well done! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
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Hattiwattiweek 0
God Luck ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ™
@connormcleod47, it was pretty good grow. High hopes with that 4 x purple punch.
@Hattiwatti, Thanks man! Peeped your featured journal, great job on that OG! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
Legendaryseedthumbweek 11
Hey, This looks fantastic!, nice to see your page! Please come by mine and say hello if you have time, would be fun. /LST ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฝโ€๐ŸŒพ๐ŸŒฑ