
Purple Star Killer / Dosidos / Cement Shoes

5 days ago
Cement Shoes
Room Type
weeks 1-14
weeks 1-14
weeks 1-14
weeks 1-14
Pro-Mix HP
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 6
18 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
9+ conditions after
3+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
connormcleod47 connormcleod47
2 months ago
***UPDATE 07/29/24*** Hot one today! Temps reached a max of 32C in the tent! Had some work I needed to do outside & the back door has been open for most of the day, things should be back to normal again tomorrow! 95% sure I've been giving the plants way too much calmag & I'm gonna eliminate the solution from my feed entirely over the next week or so & see if that helps... The abundance of calmag has been effecting all 4 plants differently.. Purple Star Killer is clawing + discoloring, Dosidos #1 is burning + discouloring & all 4 plants are growing smaller leaves than usual at a much slower pace compared to weeks 3 & 4... Only used distilled tap water & 1ml/L calmag PH 6.2 throughout week 5, they haven't had a full feed in 9 days & are due for a proper feed! Tomorrow afternoon I will be using the nutrient mixture listed above at a PH of 6.0 ***UPDATE 07/30/24*** Gave the Purple Star Killer 3L of Distilled tap water + nutrient mixture listed above PH of 6.0, the other 3 plants got 2L each. ***UPDATE 07/31/24*** Another hot one today! Plants responded well to yesterdays feed but pots are drying out much quicker so far during week 6! I could probably bump the Purple Star Killer up to 4L & the Dosidos #2 to 3L Do not buy a Vivosun dehumidifier for a 4x4 tent... The thing is basically useless! RH was in the high 70s as per usual during lights off last night & the dehumidifier only collected a few drops of water throughout the entire night... I placed it on top of my humidifier intake facing in towards the tent & RH did not budge.. It gives off a decent amount of heat, only practical use I could think of is to use it as a small space heater during the winter if need be! Was gonna defoliate today but figured I would leave it for another day since 4th nodes are just coming in & will be time to top again soon! Grabbed some Ethos Genetics from BrotanicalGardens today & will have those for round 2 in a couple months! Went with the CrescendO multipack & Colin OG Rbx ! ***UPDATE 08/01/24*** Left everything alone in the tent today, should be able to top again in the next 2-3 days ! The Purple Star Killer has been ready to go, think I will switch to 12/12 soon just gotta figure out a way to drop RH during lights off before doing so... Dosidos #1 is looking much better, no more calmag for a little while! ***UPDATE 08/02/24*** Was a bit late watering today the Purple Star Killer got 3L of distilled tap water PH of 6.1 & the other 3 plants got 2L each Grabbed a new dehumidifier & I'm gonna return the vivosun I originally bought, thing is a PoS! This new one has auto on/off mode & I can set it anywhere between 35% & 80% RH, 34 pint capacity & says its good up to 2,000 sq ft. Have to let it sit upright for 24hrs before I can put it in the tent but should have that up & running for lights out tomorrow! ***UPDATE 08/03/24*** Problematic day! Plants did not respond well to the plain water at a PH of 6.1 from yesterday & have stayed drooped, they usually do this for a few hours after I use the garden sprayer but has been roughly 24hrs since I watered... Hopefully everything is back on track tomorrow afternoon! Dehumidifier is now in the tent after sitting upright for 24hrs, taped off all the LED's & can cover the top screen with the base of my blink camera which is nice! Gonna let it run overnight & will post temp/RH few hours after the lights go out! ***UPDATE 08/04/23*** Plants are still looking pretty rough today... Pots are light with Dosidos #1 & Cement Shoes but pots are heavy with the Purple Star Killer & Dosidos #2 Haven't been looking after them like I should the past couple of weeks... Am gonna rearrange the tent tomorrow morning, install carbon filter sheets so I can keep the vents along the bottom open & see what else I can do to keep the temps down throughout the day during lights on New dehumidifier works great but I think mine came with a faulty humidity sensor, screen is stuck on 25 RH... Manual says to set it to 30% & let it run for a period of time could be water on the surface of the sensor RH is usually high 70s low 80s at night during lights off, I set it to 60 & it would run every 30 min to bring the RH down to 54% then it shuts off for 15 min & start back up for 30 min was doing this throughout the entire night & it collected roughly 2L of water in 6 hours! Gonna run it outside the tent at 30% RH tonight & see if that fixes the sensor, worst case scenario I will exchange this one for one that works as it seems to work well while its on! Plant wise have a few different things going on right now, excess calmag caused a potassium lockout with the Dosidos #1 it seems to be slowly recovering, as for the other 3 calmag didnt hit them as hard I think issues may be related to heat stress & a lack of nutrients currently, also need to rearrange everything in the tent again for proper air flow Am gonna veg longer than I originally planned due to plant size & environmental conditions, still need to dial in temp/RH & I want close to a full canopy of healthy green before I switch to 12/12
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resi_maxweek 0
Good luck and happy growing! ๐Ÿ˜
@resi_max, Thank ya thank ya! Checked out your Mimosa Cherry Kush very well done! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
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Hattiwattiweek 0
God Luck ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ™
@connormcleod47, it was pretty good grow. High hopes with that 4 x purple punch.
@Hattiwatti, Thanks man! Peeped your featured journal, great job on that OG! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
Legendaryseedthumbweek 11
Hey, This looks fantastic!, nice to see your page! Please come by mine and say hello if you have time, would be fun. /LST ๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฝโ€๐ŸŒพ๐ŸŒฑ