I topped Dream on day 23 and then Gas & Kush on day 24; all at the 4th node.
By the start of this week I realized they were stretching, due to the direct sun being only about 4 hours/day and indirect sun another 5 hours or so.
On day 25 I decided to take them out of the tent and just monitor them for bugs. Dream is 14”, Kush is 11” and Gas is 6.5”.
I also decided to cut Dream and Kush back down two nodes because they had stretched so much. Amazingly they handled it really well. They were just happy to be out of the fuckin tent.
Out of the tent I can move them around as needed and I'm using fabric pots with handles so it's easy. Now they get direct sun from 830am to 530pm (with little moving involved). Hell yeah.