Went to water her, and the water immediately started coming out the bottom of the pot right as I started watering. To me, this means she's not sucking up any more water and has about reached the end of her line. Gonna let the soil dry out for another week, then harvest her. The flowers are pitiful. Whatever went wrong this time, it badly affected flower size, density and resin production. She may be the biggest plant I've grown to date, but I'll lucky if I get an ounce off her. Just as well this is over, on to a fresh start with a new plant!
hey when you say water ran out the bottom as soon as you watered do you think theres a chance that the soil went hydrophobic due to underwatering? not sure what ur watering schedules like but she looked real big going into flower would be drinking lots i assume. I've had a couple of girls which i was scared to overwater but ended up drying up and soil then went hydrophobic and was really hard to rescue from there. had to keep flooding the soil just so it reabsorbs