I made a big mistake and had to remove one big branch of the second Euphoria. Sad but the strain kicked my ass directly for it :(
Till this week, I had zero problems. I tried to germinate three plant and I had three very identical phenos.
I was surprised that the trichome went amber this fast. So I chopped the tree and started the drying. I did not flush or turn off the light for 1–2 days.
I separated the tent with a blanket, because I have to more strains in the tent which are not ready to harvest yet.
@Sejanus21, Geschmack passt auf jeden Fall, hat aber nicht so den großen weed character wie man es von Straßen haze kennt. Wirkung ist mit ein wenig zu viel glücklich aber müde wenn du verstehst was ich meine ;)
@dubby_m, after a lot of “testing” the dance world is my favourite of the 3 strains. If you need a smoke for a nice evening with good friends and a lot of food without a big high, than I would rec