One of the targets for that grow is to keep the height of the plant as low as possible, because i only have about 80 cm from the bottom of the box to the LED lights as available space for the plant, so i thought i will a give that LST a try. Additionally i slowly started incresing the power of the LED to 60%.
By now (a few weeks later) I already know that i started the LST a little bit early, but the plant was reacting well and kept growing.
Furthermore I added a cheap webcam to my setup to create some timelapse videos. It's not a high res camera, but I still find it very interesting to watch that plant grow in timelapse 😁
@RavenCookiee, thank you. I have to admit, I'm a little surprised myself that my first run went so well overall so far 😅 Now I just hope she lasts a few more days
@Pjm70, It seems like the combination of biobizz light soil and the biobizz fertilizers is working good for me. She had that nice dark green color for most of the time till now 😉
Heyoo, sehr schöne Pflanzen.
Ich sehe du hattest eine Schimmelproblem, so eine *****. Du könntest die buds direkt trimmen vor dem trocknen, das verringert die Chance auf mehr davon. Die Blätter trocknen wesentlich langsamer als buds, sie enthalten einfach mehr Wasser. Ich krieg das leider auch öfter, in deutschen Sommern ist das nicht so einfach, aber im Winter wirds einfacher 👌
Beste Grüße amigo und Happy Growing🙏👽
@modmyplants, tatsächlich ist das nur eine Pflanze^^ Aber ja, auf den letzten Metern kam es anscheinend zu einem Schimmelproblem. Ich hab nach dem Ernten alles entfernt, was betroffen schien oder sonst irgendwie seltsam aussah. Bisher scheints sich während der Trocknung zum Glück nicht wieder auszubreiten.
I don't know why, but I can't save the week review inside the smoke review, so I'm commenting myself :D
Unfortunately, the drying process went a little too quickly as it was simply too warm and too dry here. After only 6 days, I did the final fine trimming and filled everything into jars (tentatively 1x Terploc Grove Bag). Even without long fermentation, the smoking experience is already very pleasant (no scratchiness, no “artificial” (fertilizer) taste). I am curious to see what flavor nuances will emerge with longer curing.
I am more than satisfied with the result of 88g dry weight from just one plant in my first run. If I hadn't had to remove some more due to the emerging mold, it might have been a few grams more.