
1st Grow Beginner

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
5 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow Conditions
Week 1
18 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
8+ conditions after
1+ nutrients after
Commented by
GreenEyedGuy GreenEyedGuy
6 years ago
The seeds spent 12 hours in lukewarm water , then transferred to paper towels in sandwich bags for 24hrs. Pictures are from 24 hours after placement into rooters under 200w (at source) LED. Rooters were soaked in solution and squeezed to be moist but not wet. [day#1] I'm a bit worried the stalk wont be strong as leaves are appearing without much growth first. I may need to secure them to something to help keep them upright, [day#2] Nice bit of growth but one seems stunted. The runt of the litter. [day#3] Was worried about the stretch so lowered the light to 18 inches [day#4] #1 seems a little droopy. Perhaps over watered. Keeping an eye out for light stress as I've no idea where is optimum yet. Transplanted 4 best to solo cups with coco coir[70%]/perlite[30%] [day#5] #1 still showing signs of over watering, #3 also showing curling. No water for them today and fingers crossed they'll recover ok. [day#6] #1 and #3 seem clawed/over watered still. Exposed the rooter out of the coco to help lose some of the water. Also poked holes in the coco to aerate it. [Day#7] lightly watered the coco in #2 & #4 with calmag only. Rooter spong still had moisture. Watered dwarf. New growth on all seems ok
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goarillaweek 1
I wholeheartedly agree with the overwatering comment. But judging from the colour of those rooters, if they are clonex rooters, I would spray them and up the humidity in the dome to 80-90% at this point (keep it close - but air them a few times a day). The top looks too dry (lightbrown). Are these rooters the same colour as when they were moist but not wet ?
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Mugatuweek 1
You’re going to have a blast growing. It’s the best hobby I’ve ever picked up. What I wanted to tell you is maybe hold off on trying to support your seedling or mess with them right away. When they are this small they can be delicate. I know it can be hard to resist tending to your babies, but nature has a way of sorting things out. If you’re seeing a lot of stretch maybe check out the light distance. Anyway, good luck with the grow and I’ll be following along. Mugatu out
The_Projexxweek 1
Yaaaay ! New life ! Keep up the good work and remember not to over water them young ladies ! Best of luck on you're grow ! -Happy Growing!
FoxyLoxyweek 2
looks great so far man! keep up the great work ill be following to see how well this turns out.
@FoxyLoxy, Thanks. I'll have to check out your grows for a few tips when I get a chance. Trying to absorb as much info as possible!
goarillaweek 1
I wholeheartedly agree with the overwatering comment. But judging from the colour of those rooters, if they are clonex rooters, I would spray them and up the humidity in the dome to 80-90% at this point (keep it close - but air them a few times a day). The top looks too dry (lightbrown). Are these rooters the same colour as when they were moist but not wet ?
@goarilla, They're Root!t rooting sponges. They were a bit dry today so just dropped about 6ml on each one around the stalk. The guideline water level on the sponges was that you'd see the liquid if you pinch them gently. Tiny beginnings of the real leaves starting to appear but only about 1mm so far. Fingers crossed.
Wachsemilianweek 10
congrats to your harvest😎👍
Tentsneggsweek 9
I’m on my third and I think final grow of blue mystic. I enjoy the smoke but I’m not getting a great yeild. I started with only one seed so it could just be a fluke. But like i said even with low yeild the end result is worth it. Welcome to a rewarding hobby.
Schnarlzweek 7
I’m growing some Blue Mistic right now as well, I’m on week 3. I’m real excited to see your progress, thanks for sharing it with us!
Tentsneggsweek 5
Good luck on the grow man. My first blue mystic was a finicky girl. Constant signs of calcium deficiency. I had to make sure my ph drifted around a bit or she got sick. The funny thing is the clones I took off her I’ve had no issues with.
Homegrown79week 2
Good luck with the grow mate. I'll follow along. Any questions the community here is great.
HighTVweek 1
Congratulations on your first grow and welcome to Grow diaries! 😎 Like @valhallaGarden mentioned be careful not to over water, that's the easiest mistake a new grower can make! Feel free to ask us whatever you want we are he to help.
JohnnyBlaz3week 7
good luck on the grow my friend, also on my first grow on week 7.... lets get this!