
Tropicanna Banana outdoor AI-assisted grow

5 months ago
Room Type
weeks 1-4
weeks 4
Grow medium
300 l
Pot Size
3 l
Grow Conditions
Week 2
17 hrs
Light Schedule
7+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
CleverGrows CleverGrows
5 months ago
I started with LST by the end of last week. The plant is growing fast and is adapting very well to the new outdoor conditions. I used the assistant to give me specific actions on the LST and it even drew a little ASCII picture (wrong but still kinda impressive). We also started mixing nutrients to experiment with root growth a little. ----------------------------- Here is how it went: Step-by-Step LST Guide for Tropicanna Banana Materials Needed: - Soft plant ties (e.g., soft string, pipe cleaners, garden wire, or twist ties) - Stakes or anchors (you can use bamboo stakes or repurpose wire coat hangers) Steps: - Identify Main Stem and Branches: Locate the main stem and primary branches that you want to train. - Start Bending the Main Stem: Gently bend the main stem downwards to encourage lateral growth. Be cautious not to bend it too aggressively to avoid snapping the stem. - Secure the Main Stem: Using a soft tie, secure the bent main stem to the edge of the pot, a stake, or an anchor in the soil. Ensure the tie is snug but not too tight to allow for growth. - Tie Down Side Branches: As the side branches grow, gently bend and tie them down to spread them out horizontally. Secure these branches to the pot edge, stakes, or anchors in the soil. - Adjust Ties Regularly: Check the ties every few days and adjust them to maintain the desired shape and ensure even light distribution. Move the ties as necessary to accommodate new growth and prevent anyone part of the plant from being too restricted. - Monitor Plant Response: Observe how the plant responds to the training. If any branches start to grow upwards too quickly, tie them down again to maintain an even canopy. ----------------------------- So I did as it said and you can see the results in the picture. We also continued on a care plan: Day | Action ----------------------------- Monday | Adjust LST ties Tuesday | NPK 5-2-5 at 1 ml/L Wednesday | Monitor for pests and nutrient deficiencies Thursday | Adjust LST ties Friday | NPK 2-5-8 at 0.5 ml/L Saturday | Water with plain water Sunday | Monitor plant growth and overall health -----------------------------
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