pH- und Calmag, sowie Phosphordünger sind am Start, die seltsamen Flecken kriege ich aber wohl nicht mehr weg. Immerhin sind noch gut Trichome vorhanden und der Duft erhält immer mehr die typische Cannabisnote. Mal sehen, ob das einen negativen Einfluss auf Ernte und Ergebnis hat..
@thoream, don't be! The more leafes it gets, the more growth accelarate! Week 4 is time evaluate! Fast Buds has different phenotypes, for example, my guava is green, my nephew's guavas out of the same bag, are purple.......MY guava is bushy (76cm), his are slim and about 1 meter. What I wanna say is, no worries for now, too early😉👊
@@DutchJardinero, Thanks a lot, might need it. The plants are growing very slowly, which makes me a bit nervous. When I see other peoples plants, they are more... bushy. Tomorrow, I'll post an update for week 2.