13.8 - first day on a 12/12 cycle
13.8 - first day with bloom fertiliser (circa 1,5 L for all plants)
14.8 - they all get another day with bloom fertiliser (circa 3,5 L for all plants )
15.8 - so this time and maybe from now on i use osmosis water with tap water and advanced hydroponics ph- bloom ( 5L for all plants ) total kWh consumption at this point : 340
16.8 - first day with co2 boost and first day i remove leafs , next time i gave them bloom fertiliser later was to early maybe , 5L today for all plants without fertiliser
17.8 - co2 was not working all the time , im working on it to fix that issue , no water today only the evo 5 and one s4w is on at the moment i will add some more s4w later
18.8 - co2 still not working properly ,osmosis water with tap water and advanced hydroponics ph- bloom ( 5L for all plants ) today
19.8 - co2 seems to be working now properly ,osmosis water with tap water and advanced hydroponics ph- bloom ( 5L for all plants ) today , i added one s4w light
20.8 - i try to give more co2 slowly ,osmosis water with tap water and advanced hydroponics ph- bloom ( 5L for all plants ) today
@peterkleber7, trichome sind leider noch nicht alle ready aber ich will jetzt trotzdem demnächst alle ernten weiß aber noch nicht wann genau dises wochenende werde ich es wohl nicht schaffen